Course Subject
Course Number
Course Credit

Applied Policy Analysis

Course Description

Open only to students in the MSPP program. This course will provide students with an opportunity to engage in policy analysis in situations that mimic the real world practice of the craft of policy analysis. In practice, policy analysis requires drawing inferences from limited information, under time pressure and data constraints. It requires asking the right questions, finding the right data, assessing the quality of the data and analyses, and communicating results effectively in writing and in person. Your coursework up to this point has given you the skills you need to do much of this – in this course, you will refine those skills and put them to work.


MSPP-GP.1000, MSPP-GP.1022, MSPP-GP.2100, MSPP-GP.2905, MSPP-GP.4021, MSPP-GP.4105, MSPP-GP.4106, MSPP-GP.4900, PADM-GP.2140, and PADM-GP.2171, MSPP-GP.3101 concurrently
