How do I Add/Drop a course after the Albert period is closed?

    After the Add/Drop deadline on Albert, students may not add or withdraw from a course via Albert. Instead Wagner’s Academic Services department must complete and sign an Program Change Form for the student, which the student must then deliver to the Registrar’s window at the NYU Student Services Center (25 W. 4th Street).
    To request an Program Change Form after the deadline on Albert, student’s must email The email must include an explanation of the request, and the following information:

    • Full name:
    • NYU ID number (e.g. N1...):
    • NetID (e.g. abc123):
    • Course #, course title, section # -- for each lecture/recitation/lab you intend to add or withdraw from:
    • Wagner mailbox # (student mailboxes are in the Puck Building. Mailbox numbers may be found here:

    The Add/Drop form will be completed and authorized by Wagner for the student, and then placed in at the student’s Wagner mailbox. The form must be picked up promptly by the student, signed by the student, and taken to the NYU Registrar's window at the NYU Student Services Center at 25 West 4th Street before the closing hour. Hours can be found here:

    For more information, click here.
