Sociodemographic and Behavioral Characteristics of HIV Antibody-Positive Blood Donors

Cleary, P.D., Singer, E., Rogers, T., Avorn, J., Van Devanter, N., Soumerai, S., Perry, S. & Pindyck, J.
American Journal of Public Health, Aug 1988, Vol. 78 Issue 8, p953-957, 5p.

This paper describes the sociodemographic and behavioral characteristics of 173 blood donors who were confirmed by Western blot tests to have antibodies to human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), the etiologic agent for acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS). Seropositive donors were predominately young, unmarried, and male, and major risk factors could be identified for almost all donors. However, more than 20 per ¢ of the study participants were women, and many participants were not aware that they were at risk of infection. The heterogeneity of the study population, the lack of awareness among many subjects of risk factors and self-exclusion procedures, and the high level of distress among many subjects after notification, emphasize the need for intensive, well-designed education and support programs.

Wagner Faculty