What Happens after an Abortion Denial? A Review of Results from the Turnaway Study

Sarah Miller, Laura R. Wherry, Diana Greene Foster
American Economic Association, Miller, Sarah, Laura R. Wherry, and Diana Greene Foster. 2020. "What Happens after an Abortion Denial? A Review of Results from the Turnaway Study." AEA Papers and Proceedings, 110: 226-30.

We provide a brief overview of the Turnaway Study, the first study to collect longitudinal data on individual women who received versus were denied a wanted abortion in the United States. The study team collected data on nearly 1,000 women seeking an abortion from 30 facilities around the country and followed them for 5 years. We discuss some of the main findings from the study related to the health, labor, and human capital outcomes of the women who were denied abortions and gave birth. We conclude by describing future opportunities to learn from the study with new linkages to administrative data.

Wagner Faculty