
Power Through Problem Solving: Latino Immigrants and the Inconsistencies of Economic Restructuring

N. Lowe and N. Iskander
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Superstorm Sandy and the Demographics of Flood Risk in New York City.

Jacob William Faber
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Promoting Transportation Flexibility in Extreme Events through Multi-Modal Connectivity

R. Zimmerman, C.E. Restrepo, J. Sellers, A. Amirapu, and Theodore R. Pearson
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Bonding, bridging, and linking: How social capital operated in New Orleans following Hurricane Katrina

Hawkins, R. L. & Maurer, K.
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Explaining Change in Institutionalized Practices: A Review and Road Map for Research

D’Aunno, T.
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The State of New York City’s Housing and Neighborhoods in 2013

I.G. Ellen et al.
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Strategies and Considerations for Investing in Sustainable City Infrastructure

R. Zimmerman
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Network attributes of critical infrastructure, vulnerability, and consequence assessment

R. Zimmerman
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Reusing and Repurposing New York City's Infrastructure: Case Studies of Reused Transportation Infrastructure

Brooks, Galin
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Public Infrastructure, Private Input Demand and Economic Performance in New England Manufacturing

Schwartz, A.E. & Morrison, C.
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Themes and New Directions

Horan, T.A. & Zimmerman, R.
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Analysis of Electrical Power and Oil and Gas Pipeline Failures

Simonoff, J.S., Restrepo, C., Zimmerman, R. & Naphtali, Z.
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