
Work Requirements and Child Tax Benefits: Evidence from California

Jacob Goldin, Tatiana Homonoff, Neel Lal, Ithai Lurie, Katherine Michelmore, and Matthew Unrath
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Reimagining Labor Market Information: A National Collaborative For Local Workforce Information

Julia Lane
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Workforce Diversity and disparities in wait time and retention among opioid treatment programs

Erick G. Guerrero, Yinfei Kong, Jemima A. Frimpong, Tenie Khachikian, Suojin Wang, Thomas D’Aunno, and Daniel L. Howard
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The centre cannot hold: Arrival, margins, and the politics of ambivalence introduction to ‘arrival at the margins’, a special issue of migration studies

Natasha Iskander, Loren Landau
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Does Federally Funded Job Training Work? Nonexperimental Estimates of WIA Training Impacts Using Longitudinal Data on Workers and Firms

Fredrik W Andersson, Harry J Holzer, Julia Lane, David Rosenblum, Jeffrey A Smith
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A Forum on the Politics of Skills: “Reducing the “unskilled” to their bodies: Control, surveillance, and the new politics of skill.”

Natasha Iskander
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How the Best Teams Keep Good Ideas Alive

Patricia Satterstrom, Michaela J. Kerrissey, and Julia DiBenigno
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Migration Choices of the Boomerang Generation: Does Returning Home Dampen Labor Market Adjustment?

Sewin Chan, Katherine O'Regan, and Wei You
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Review of: Spiritual Economies: Islam, Globalization, and the Afterlife of Development

N. Iskander
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Review of: Transit States: Labour, Migration, and Citizenship in the Gulf

N. Iskander
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Street Vendors, Television Extras, Walmart Stockers, and More: Worker Subjectivity and Labor Processes in Atypical Work

N. Iskander
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Partners in Organizing: Engagement between Migrants and the State in the Production of Mexican Hometown Associations

N. Iskander
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