Assessing Emotional Suffering in Palliative Care: Use of a Structured Note Template to Improve Documentation
Starred cosmopolitanism: Celebrity chefs, documentaries, and the circulation of global desire
Exploring longitudinal shifts in international nurse migration to the United States between 2003 and 2013 through a random effects panel data analysis
Cosmopolitanism, Multiculturalism, and the Promise of Literature
Migrant Women, Migrant Faith: the transmission and transformation of Ahmadiyya Islam in the diaspora
Concordance of Advance Care Plans With Inpatient Directives in the Electronic Medical Record for Older Patients Admitted From the Emergency Department
Latino Immigrants, Acculturation, and Health: Promising New Directions in Research
Immigration: The cultural dimension
Attitudes toward immigrants and immigration policy in Asia and the Pacific: a quantitative assessment of current theoretical models beyond western countries
Mixed-Status Immigrant Families in the United States: The Role of Social Justice in Intervention Research
ASFS presidential address 2015, Chatham university
Racism and white privilege
“Breaking out of the ‘muffin tins’: A Wrinkle in Time, Cosmopolitanism, and Children’s Literature,” Journal of American Studies 48:2 (2016) 231-245.
Migrant workers: Social identity, occupational challenges and health practice
Heritage policies, tourism and pastoral groups in the Sultanate of Oman
Acculturation and physical activity among Latinos
Group Exhibition: “The Grace Jones Project” (Museum of the African Diaspora, San Francisco, CA)
Inequality and globalization how the rich get richer as the poor catch up
The protection paradox: Why hasn't the arrival of new media transformed refugee status Determination?
Healthy aging of minority and immigrant populations: Resilience in late life
Hypertension prevalence, awareness, treatment, and control, in male South Asian immigrants in the United Arab Emirates: A cross-sectional study
Assessing the impact of microfinance programming on children: An evaluation from post-tsunami Aceh
Nation-State as Symbolic Construct
Immigration, Emigration, and Citizenship
Newly Arrived Elderly Immigrants: A Concept Analysis of “Aging Out of Place”
Psychological distress among low-income U.S.- and foreign-born women of Mexican descent: Impact of acculturation
"Committed as near neighbors": The Halifax explosion and border-crossing people and ideas
Travelling Blackness: Race, Gender, and Citizenship in the African Diaspora
Children of parents who abuse alcohol and other drugs
Can poverty reduction investments translate into more healthcare workers?
Image Guided Focal Therapy for Magnetic Resonance Imaging Visible Prostate Cancer: Defining a 3-Dimensional Treatment Margin Based on Magnetic Resonance Imaging Histology Co-Registration Analysis
The Law of Refugee Status: Book Review
“Jewish Fingers and Phantom Musical Presences: Remembrance of Jewish Musicians in 20th C. Aleppo, Syria.
The shadow of undocumented status
Ethnic Classification in Global Perspective: A Cross-National Survey of the 2000 Census Round