Brooklyn is the New Manhattan

Mitchell L. Moss, Professor of Urban Planning & Policy at NYU Wagner and Director of the school's Rudin Center for Transportation, has written a new op-ed describing Downtown Brooklyn's dramatic emergence as "the new model of urban redevelopment."
"In fact," writes Professor Moss in The New York Observer (March 29), "Brooklyn has emerged as a global brand, a symbol of urban creativity—whether in cuisine, poetry, innovative start-ups, or fashion. Brooklyn is now the destination for young, smart and pioneering kids who once flocked to Greenwich Village and the Lower East Side. Major banks, law firms, ad agencies and media conglomerates will always operate from Manhattan, but the talent they depend on no longer resides in aging suburbs or Manhattan’s upper east side—the promised land for psychiatrists, orthopedists and plastic surgeons. No county in the United States has more female-headed starts-ups than Brooklyn."
Read the full piece, and check out the Rudin Center/Appleseed report Brooklyn Rising.