Student Spotlight: Lenny Cabral (MPA 2023)In her final year, Lenny Cabral (MPA 2023) reflects on the relationships and community of the Black Student Association (BSA) as well as her Capstone experience in the Dominican Republic which allowed for hands-on learning in international development and …
Program Requirement ChecksheetMPA-Health: Health Policy Analysis I. SCHOOLWIDE CORE COURSES [15 CREDITS] Students must complete or waive all schoolwide core courses … II. SPECIALIZATION REQUIREMENTS [18 total credits] Students must complete the following courses: [7.5 credits] … …
Urban Infrastructure Project PlanningThis course is about the process of scoping and planning public sector investment projects and the basic knowledge and skills required for their financial and economic appraisal (‘ex-ante’ evaluation). The focus is on urban infrastructure projects …Webpage
AboutAbout the Office of the Vice Dean for Academic Affairs & Research Office of the Vice Dean Mission Framework Office of the Dean Organizational Structure Faculty Committees and Other Appointments … …
Alumni In Action
Brandon WestHow did being in New York impact your professional journey? I knew I wanted to be connected to local government, local issues, and ways to make government work better, inside and outside of it. I came from an advocacy background, but wanted some hard …
Capstone Projects
Financial Sustainability Plan for the Community Computing ProgramFounded in 1877, Inglis is a private nonprofit organization that enables people with disabilities, and those who care for them, to achieve their goals and live life to the fullest. Inglis enlisted a Capstone team to provide a financial sustainability plan …
Academic PolicyAcademic Policy Wagner Academic Code Academic Integrity Policy Student Disciplinary Procedures Incomplete Grades Policy Student Grievance NYU Data Classification Policy Student Resources … Academic …
Conflict Management and Negotiation (EMPA)The public/nonprofit administrator, whether primarily concerned with management, policy or finance, is called upon to manage or becomes involved in a wide variety of conflicts. Conflict is ubiquitous - within and between organizations and agencies, …Course
Data Analysis, Mapping, and StorytellingThis course will train students to obtain, clean, manipulate, analyze, map, and visualize spatial and non-spatial data to support their work throughout their urban planning careers. The course emphasizes the critical role of design and communication in …Webpage
NYU Wagner Funding ProgramsFUNDING APPLICATION FORM Click here to submit all funding applications. Please see below for each grant's description, eligibility, and application guidelines. Please note that awarded funds do not rollover from year to year. These funds are to be used …
Financial Decision Making and ManagementThe goal of this course to is help Executive MPA students learn financial tools to apply to decision-making within mission-driven and governmental organizations. Designed for the experienced mid-career general manager of a nonprofit, governmental, or …Course
Institutions, Governance, and International DevelopmentThis course introduces the theory and practice of institutional reform in developing and transitional countries. It reviews the evolution of international development paradigms, examining how the role, structure, and management of institutions, the public …Course
History and Theory of PlanningThis course examines key ideas in the history and theory of planning. We start with some challenges of 21st-century urbanism to activate our conversations about the history and theory of planning. Does the historical and theoretical apparatus of planning …Course
Policy Formation and Policy AnalysisThe purpose of the course is to deepen students’ understanding of the way in which public policy and political realities interact in American government at the national, state, and local levels: how political pressures limit policy choices, how policy …Course
Communications and Branding for NonprofitsAn organization’s brand can help it raise money, create change, and recruit participants as it effectively communicates its mission. But a brand is more than just a logo or a memorized elevator pitch, it is the way both internal and external audiences …Course
Corporate Finance and Public PolicyThis course introduces students to the main areas of corporate finance and how they relate to policy issues and discussions. The course covers topics in the three main areas of corporate finance: 1) capital structure (financing choices), 2) valuation …Course
Library Research and Citation MethodsThis interactive workshop serves as an introduction to the many NYU Libraries resources and services available to Wagner students that will help students develop skills appropriate to graduate-level research. In the session, we will cover fundamental …Course
Planning for Emergencies and DisastersThe consequences of disastrous events are escalating globally in terms of lives lost, injuries, adverse social conditions, economic costs, and environmental destruction. Furthermore, the rapidity of action required when an emergency arises poses unique …Webpage
International ApplicantsStudents entering an NYU Wagner master's program are required to hold a bachelor's degree from an accredited college or university in the U.S. or an equivalent degree from a foreign country. If you received an undergraduate degree from an institution …
From Local To Global: External Validity in a Fertility Natural ExperimentRajeev Dehejia, Cristian Pop-Eleches, and Cyrus Samil … From Local To Global: External Validity in a Fertility Natural Experiment …
Employment and Retirement Following a Late Career Job LossThe frequency of job loss among workers in late career has risen disproportionately in recent years. During the early 1980s, displacement rates for 55-64 year olds were the lowest of any age cohort but by the recession of the early 1990s, they had the …