Superstorm Sandy and the Demographics of Flood Risk in New York City.“Superstorm Sandy” brought unprecedented storm surge to New York City neighborhoods and like previous severe weather events exacerbated underlying inequalities in part because socially marginalized populations were concentrated in environmentally exposed …
Racial Dynamics of Subprime Mortgage Lending at the PeakSubprime mortgage lending in the early 2000s was a leading cause of the Great Recession. From 2003 to 2006, subprime loans jumped from 7.6% of the mortgage market to 20.1%, with black and Latino borrowers receiving a disproportionate share. This article …
The State of New York City's Housing and Neighborhoods 2001Schill, M., Wallin, D. & Daniels, G. … The State of New York City's Housing and Neighborhoods 2001 …
The Impact of Residency Training on Physicians’ Outlook on AIDS: A Cohort AnalysisThe impact of training on physicians' commitment to professional values is examined, using a cohort design to assess the evolution of attitudes toward AIDS during residency training. Cohorts of surgeons training in the same six residency programs were …
Information and Farmers' Attitudes About Pesticides, Water Quality and Related Environmental EffectsThis paper investigates the effects of information from different sources on farmers' attitudes regarding the effects of pesticides and other agricultural chemicals on environmental quality using a survey of 2700 farmers in three mid-Atlantic states. …
Faculty Profile
Dan PorterDan Porter is an Adjunct Associate Professor of Public Service of NYU’s Robert F. Wagner Graduate School of Public Service. He has spent ten years in educational non-profit followed almost twenty years as a start-up tech entrepreneur and investor where he …
Selective Knowledge: Reporting Bias in Microfinance DataAnswering surveys is usually voluntary, yet much of our knowledge depends on the willingness of households and institutions to answer. In this study, we explore the implications of voluntary reporting on knowledge about microfinance. We show systematic …
Faculty Profile
Don WaisanenDon Waisanen is an Adjunct Professor of Public Service of NYU’s Robert F. Wagner Graduate School of Public Service. He is also a Professor in the Baruch College, CUNY Marxe School of Public and International Affairs, where he received the Presidential …
The Status of Budget ForecastingThis article examines the breadth of the current forecast literature as it relates to public budget making. It serves to provide summary information to decision-makers who otherwise do not have the resources to learn more than a small amount focused on …
Evidence Based Public Safety Management: The Diffusion of CompstatWilliam Bratton & Dennis Smith … Evidence Based Public Safety Management: The Diffusion of Compstat …
Chronic Condition: Why Health Reform FailsChronic Condition provides a compelling analysis of the causes of the current health care crisis and of the shortcomings of reform proposals. It also offers an ingenious new framework for reform that, while minimizing government interference, would …
Employee Benefit Financing and Municipal BankruptcyFive municipalities with populations over 100,000 have declared bankruptcy since 2008, as have some smaller ones, including Central Falls, RI, in 2011. The bankruptcies have unsettled citizens, current and retired employees, and creditors of the …
To Give or Not to Give: The Crisis of Confidence in CharitiesPublic confidence is essential to America's 1.5 million charitable organizations and the 11 million Americans they employ. Confidence clearly affects the public's willingness to donate time and money, shapes the political and regulatory environment that …
Palgrave Handbook of Government Budget ForecastingDaniel Williams and Thad Calabrese … Palgrave Handbook of Government Budget Forecasting …
What Passes and Fails as Health Policy and ManagementThe field of health policy and management (HPAM) faces a gap between theory, policy and practice. Despite decades of efforts at reforming health policy and health care systems, prominent analysts state that the health system is ‘‘stuck’’ and that models …
Race and the Invisible Hand: How White Networks Exclude Black Men from Blue Collar JobsFrom the time of Booker T. Washington to today, and William Julius Wilson, the advice dispensed to young black men has invariably been, "Get a trade." Deirdre Royster has put this folk wisdom to an empirical test—and, in Race and the Invisible Hand, …
Alumni In Action
Tricia DietzCan you tell us a bit about your job responsibilities? As Assistant Commissioner of Housing Incentives at NYC Department of Housing Preservation & Development (HPD) in the Office of Development, I oversee Inclusionary Housing, HPD’s tax incentive programs …
10 Best Resources on Health Workers in Developing CountriesKey Messages Until recently researchers and policymakers paid little attention to the role of health workers in developing countries but a new generation of studies are providing a fuller understanding of these issues using more sophisticated data …
Valuing Improvement in Value Based PurchasingBackground Medicare will soon implement hospital value-based purchasing (VBP), using a scoring system that rewards both achievement (absolute performance) and improvement (performance increase over time). However , improvement is defined so as to give …
Changes in physicians' attitudes toward AIDS during residency training: A longitudinal study of medical school graduatesUnderstanding the impact of training on the development of physicians' attitudes toward AIDS is important to furthering our knowledge of the mechanisms through which socialization affects professional outlook, as well as promoting an adequate supply of …
Faculty Profile
MICHAEL DUFFYMichael Thomas Duffy is a manager with extensive experience in the public, private and non-profit sector; currently he is the President of the Great Oaks Foundation, whose mission is to give students access to a quality education through High Dosage …
NYU Wagner President's Service Award Recipients for 2017On April 13, one NYU Wagner student and three NYU Wagner student organizations were honored at the 33rd Annual President's Service Awards . The ceremony, held at the NYU Kimmel Center for University Life, honored more than 40 groups and nearly 100 …
NYU Wagner awards Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion research prize to Professor Jonathan MorduchJonathan J. Morduch , Professor of Public Policy & Economics, is the recipient of NYU Wagner's second annual Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI) research prize. As part of NYU Wagner's schoolwide EDI plan , the award highlights the importance of, and …
Six Wagner students and their rising startups chosen to enter NYU Entrepreneurial Institute acceleratorSix NYU Wagner students have been accepted into the J-Term Startup Sprint accelerator program run by the NYU Entrepreneurial Institute. The just-announced J-Term Startup Sprint class of 2019 includes two ventures generated by these students: KinNect: …