EventsThe NYU Wagner Labor Initiative convenes experts from across government, academia, and civil society to explore methods to advance and safeguard workers' rights. Register to join us for upcoming events and view our past events to learn about previous …
Our HistoryFrom the very beginning, NYU’s Robert F. Wagner Graduate School of Public Service has always been about preparing people to serve the needs of others. We trace our roots back to 1938 when NYU—in response to overfilled public service-oriented …
Faculty Profile
Lily BatchelderLily Batchelder, the Robert C. Kopple Family Professor of Law at NYU School of Law, is one of the nation’s leading voices on tax law and policy. She is an affiliated professor at the NYU Wagner School of Public Service, faculty director of the Furman …
Social Enterprise Created at NYU Wagner is Improving Student AttendanceIt has practically become the stuff of legend: The chance meeting of Miriam Altman and Alexandra Meis on their first day at NYU Wagner. The two were brought together at a faculty mixer. With a shared background working on the front lines in the New York …
Faculty Profile
Natasha IskanderNatasha N. Iskander, James Weldon Johnson Professor of Urban Planning and Public Service, conducts research on the relationship between migration and economic development. She looks at the ways that immigration and the movement of people across …
Faculty Profile
Quamid FrancisQuamid Francis is a distinguished professional whose dedication to public service and leadership has made significant contributions to the public and nonprofit sectors. A native of St. Thomas, U.S. Virgin Islands, Quamid's career has been defined by …
The environmental impact of interventional radiology: An evaluation of greenhouse gas emissions from an academic interventional radiology practiceAnthony Chua, Ruhana Amin, Jinchun Zhang, Cassandra L Thiel, and Jonathan S Gross … The environmental impact of interventional radiology: An evaluation of greenhouse gas emissions from an academic interventional radiology …
Understanding spatial patterns in rape reporting delaysUnder-reporting and delayed reporting of rape crime are severe issues that can complicate the prosecution of perpetrators and prevent rape survivors from receiving needed support. Building on a massive database of publicly available criminal reports from …
The Academic Effects of Chronic Exposure to Neighborhood ViolenceThis paper estimates the causal effect of repeated exposure to violent crime on test scores in New York City. We use two empirical strategies; value-added models linking student performance on standardised exams to violent crimes on students’ residential …
Capstone Projects
Infrastructure Financing in Southeast Asia after DecentralizationDuring the past twenty years, Southeast Asia has witnessed a great push towards decentralization and increased responsibilities for subnational governments. Among these responsibilities, financing urban infrastructure poses some of the greatest …
Alumni In Action
Alumni Spotlight: Débora Aponte Martínez (MPA 2016)With experience across the nonprofit and public sectors in Puerto Rico, New York, and Washington DC, Débora's works stems from her passion for public service. Today, she serves in the Office of Management and Budget for the Municipality of San Juan where …
Data Analysis Offers First Picture of the Impact of China’s Universal Two-Child PolicyWorking closely with faculty at Peking University and scientists at the National Health Commission in China, NYU Wagner’s Professor Jan Blustein and other researchers have developed the first nationwide estimate of the impact of China’s universal …
Reinventing the Central City as a Place to Live and WorkPublic policies for urban development have traditionally emphasized investment in physical infrastructure, the development of large-scale commercial facilities, the construction of new housing, and the renewal of existing neighborhoods. Most efforts to …
The Effects of Poverty on Child Health and DevelopmentPoverty has been shown to negatively influence child health and development along a number of dimensions. For example, poverty-net of a variety of potentially confounding factors-is associated with increased neonatal and post-neonatal mortality rates, …
Welfare Reform in Philadelphia: Implementation, Effects, and Experiences of Poor Families and NeighborhoodsThe 1996 welfare reform law called for profound changes in welfare policy, including a five-year time limit on federally funded cash assistance (known as Temporary Assistance for Needy Families, or TANF), stricter work requirements, and greater …
Alumni In Action
Anu AshokHow would you describe your experience as a Wagner student? My experience at Wagner shaped me into the professional that I am today. Having gone straight from college into graduate school, I lacked certain skills such as memo writing, group project …
Alumni In Action
Sharon CarneyWhy did you choose Wagner for graduate school? I wanted to experience life in a city that was very different than the one I knew (Detroit). My driving professional interest is cities -- what makes them work, what causes them to decline, and how they …
Getting Started Checklist and ResourcesNovember Read and review the: Health Requirements Technology Requirements Activate NetID and begin regularly checking your NYU email December In early December, we will send an email to your NYU email address with a link to the Getting Started Guide. The …
Faculty Profile
Sophie PauzeSophie Pauze is Senior Director, Strategy & Impact at the NYC Health + Hospitals Office of Behavioral Health. Her cross-functional leadership role spans strategic planning, workforce development, external affairs, and performance and project management, …
Faculty Profile
Emil HafeezEmil Hafeez is a Senior Data Analyst at NYU Langone’s Department of Population Health, where he leads complex analyses relating to health policy and health economics, including evaluating the impact of COVID-19 on health disparities among NYC …
#MyWagnerLife: Michael Czaczkes (MPA-PNP) TODAY! Follow student @urbanamerica87 for an exclusive "behind the scenes" look into life @NYUWagner #MyWagnerLife — NYU Wagner (@NYUWagner) April 23, 2015 So excited to be participating next Thursday to share my …
Student Dejian Zeng Worked in an iPhone Factory in China to See How Workers Were TreatedIt may just be possible that Dejian (Ken) Zeng had a role in assembling your iPhone. He spent six weeks toiling at a Shanghai factory where the ever-popular products are churned out. For Zeng (MPA 2017), whose NYU Wagner specialization is international …
Capstone Projects
Identifying Needs and Exploring Options for Affordable Housing in a Changing Manhattan Neighborhood"The Capstone team provided the Northern Manhattan Improvement Corporation (NMIC) with information to help the organization see the current state of the community and evaluate the feasibility of affordable housing construction in the context of …
Capstone Projects
Public Place: Visioning the Gowanus Canal WaterfrontBrooklyns Gowanus Canal, once a vibrant oyster bed and pristine fishery, is today one of the most toxic waterways in the United States. But with land becoming increasingly sparse in New York City, vacant lots along the canal have the potential to be …