LSE Cities Urban Age Conference ReportCities are critical sites for enquiry and action in relation to health and well-being. With up to 70 per cent of the world’s population estimated to be living in urban areas by 2050 1 , global health will be determined increasingly in cities. As Africa …
Contribution Volatility and Public Pension ReformIn the wake of the economic downturn of 2008–2009, researchers and policymakers have focused considerable attention on the extent of unfunded liabilities in US public sector pension plans and the implications for the long term fiscal sustainability of …
Child Passenger Safety Laws in the United States, 1978–2010: Policy Diffusion in the Absence of Strong Federal InterventionThis article examines the diffusion of U.S. state child passenger safety laws, analyzing over-time changes and inter-state differences in all identifiable features of laws that plausibly influence crash-related morbidity and mortality. The observed trend …
Alumni In Action
Maitri Pujara… Can you tell us a bit about your job responsibilities? I currently work as an Urban …
Capstone Projects
The Impact of Remittances on Crime Rates in M?xicoIn Mexico, remittance flows represent the second most important source of external income, which amounts to approximately 2.2 percent of the Gross National Product. Recent studies have suggested that not all of the earnings from remittances are spent on …
Low Cognitive Ability and Poor Skill with Numbers May Prevent Many from Enrolling in Medicare Supplemental CoverageBecause traditional Medicare leaves substantial gaps in coverage, many people obtain supplemental coverage to limit their exposure to out-of-pocket costs. However, some Medicare beneficiaries may not be well equipped to navigate the complex supplemental …
Early environmental origins of neurodegenerative disease in later lifeParkinson disease (PD) and Alzheimer disease (AD), the two most common neurodegenerative disorders in American adults, are of purely genetic origin in a minority of cases and appear in most instances to arise through interactions among genetic and …
Capstone Projects
Development Framework and PlanThe New York Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children (NYSPCC) is a leading child welfare agency in New York City and has been in existence since 1875. Their mission is to protect children from abuse and it does so through constantly evolving …
Are hospitals “keeping up with the Joneses”?: Assessing the spatial and temporal diffusion of the surgical robotBackground : The surgical robot has been widely adopted in the United States in spite of its high cost and controversy surrounding its benefit. Some have suggested that a “medical arms race” influences technology adoption. We wanted to determine whether a …
Student Spotlight: Jeremy Haoqing Zhu (MPA 2024)… & Young Global Consulting Services. Can you share a bit about your responsibilities, any exciting or challenging …
Study by Professor Guo Looks at the Impact of Shift From Minimum to Maximum Parking Requirements in LondonDo we build so much parking in urban areas because it’s needed, or because it’s required? Researchers posit that the market would provide fewer parking spaces if minimum-parking requirements did not exist in zoning laws affecting new residential …
Public Opinion and Constitutional ControversyAmerican politics is most notably characterized by the heated debates on constitutional interpretation at the core of its ever-raging culture wars, and the coverage of these lingering disputes is often inundated with public-opinion polls. Yet for all …
Rumsfeld's Revolution at DefenseWhatever his legacy as an architect of the war in Iraq, Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld has already earned a place in American bureaucratic history as one of its most ambitious organizational reformers. Rumsfeld is determined to complete a top to bottom …
North-South Knowledge Sharing on Incentive-based Conditional Cash Transfer ProgramsOver the last decade, Conditional Cash Transfer (CCT) programs have become one of the most widely adopted anti-poverty initiatives in the developing world. Inspired particularly by Mexico's successful program, CCTs are viewed as an effective way to …
Alumnus Helps Set Up COVID-19 Testing Site… than 100,000 people have been tested to date. Read more about the testing site via USA Today. … Samuel Schaffzin …
Capstone Projects
Mobile Health Units Study in Latin America and the CaribbeanWhile many organizations acknowledge that mobile health units are an innovative strategy to facilitate access to health services to marginalized populations, little rigorous evaluation or formal research has been implemented to substantiate these claims. …
Capstone Projects
Mobile Health Units Study in Latin America and the CaribbeanWhile many organizations acknowledge that mobile health units are an innovative strategy to facilitate access to health services to marginalized populations, little rigorous evaluation or formal research has been implemented to substantiate these claims. …
Capstone Projects
Local Government Fiscal Discretion in UgandaThe Government of Uganda began a rapid decentralization process in the early 1990s, devolving service delivery responsibility to Local Governments in an attempt to reduce poverty under the national development framework. The devolution of responsibility …
Capstone Projects
Forecasting the Financial Future of Jewish Cemeteries in the New York AreaThe Jewish Community Relations Council (JCRC) requested a Capstone team to review the finances of regulated Jewish cemeteries in New York. It has been suggested that the expenses of some of the regulated cemeteries in New York City will outdistance their …
Geographic variations and temporal trends in cesarean delivery rates in China, 2008-2014… coverage. Objective To provide updated information about cesarean rates and geographic variation in cesarean use …
Facing the Futures: Building Robust Nonprofits in the Pittsburgh RegionThe Pittsburgh region faces tough questions as it faces the futures ahead. Will it, for example, find a way to stop its young people from leaving or slip further into the profile of a “weak market” city, with all that means for the erosion of jobs and …
Debt, Donors, and the Decision to GiveThere has been a significant amount of work done on the private funding of nonprofits. Yet, despite the enormous size of the nonprofit sector as a whole, the importance of private donations to the sector, and the significance of the sector to public …
Making its Second Investment, NYU Impact Investment Fund (NIIF) Invests in Company that Teaches Girls to Code… of this innovative experiential opportunity. About the NYU Impact Investment Fund Developed as a joint …