Capstone Projects
Impact assessment and monitoring and evaluation frameworkIn 2013, Social Accountability International (SAI), an international NGO dedicated to improving workplaces through social standards, and the Rapid Results Institute (RRI), a nonprofit that implements change management programs in the developing world, …
Residential on-site carsharing and off-street parking: The case of the San Francisco Bay AreaThis research explores the recent practice of connecting on-site carsharing service with off-street parking standards in multifamily developments; the San Francisco Bay Area, California, is used as a case study. If implemented well, such a policy could …
Capstone Projects
Brooklyn Arts Council Through a Kaleidoscope: Assessing Perceptions from an Artistic CommunityThe Brooklyn Arts Council (BAC), a long-standing presence in the Brooklyn arts community, has recently experienced significant growth. Due to this development, BAC sought an impartial understanding of its role within the Brooklyn arts community, …
AI-enabled public health surveillance: from local detection to global epidemic monitoring and controlD. Zeng, Z. Cao, and D. B. Neill … AI-enabled public health surveillance: from local detection to global epidemic monitoring and control …
Alumni In Action
Omar DaairHow did your experiences at NYU Wagner prepare you for your career? Wagner helped turbocharge my transition into senior management. Previously I had found myself struggling to find the right way to take that step up, but Wagner helped me reflect on, and …
Capstone Projects
UNCDF Nicaragua Local Economic DevelopmentThe United Nations Capital Development Fund (UNCDF) engaged a Capstone group to assess interim strategic planning outcomes of PADETOM, a UNCDF program in Nicaragua. The program's objective is to build the capacity of municipalities in the Rio San Juan …
Benefits and Needs for an Integrated Approach to Cyber-Physical Security for TransportationRae Zimmerman, M. Dinning … Benefits and Needs for an Integrated Approach to Cyber-Physical Security for Transportation …
Capstone: Advanced Projects in Policy, Management, Finance, and Advocacy ICouples with CAP-GP 3402. For MPA-PNP students. As part of the core curriculum of the NYU Wagner Masters program, Capstone teams spend an academic year addressing challenges and identifying opportunities for a client organization. Wagner's Capstone …News
Chicago's Disposable-Bag Tax is Working, Study FindsWhile a New York City local law to establish a 5-cent tax on plastic checkout bags at grocery stores was blocked in Albany in February, a 7-cent tax implemented Feb. 1 by Chicago led to a “dramatic decrease” in grocery store shoppers’ use of disposable …
Capstone: Advanced Projects in Urban Planning ICouples with CAP-GP.3602. As part of the core curriculum of the NYU Wagner Masters program, Capstone teams spend an academic year addressing challenges and identifying opportunities for a client organization or conducting research on a pressing social …Course
Capstone: Advanced Projects in International Development Policy and Management ICouples with CAP-GP.3227 . As part of the core curriculum of the NYU Wagner Masters program, Capstone teams spend an academic year addressing challenges and identifying opportunities for a client organization or conducting research on a pressing social …Capstone Projects
Creating a Performance Measurement System for the Nation's Largest Public Arts ProgramTime Square Arts, the public art program of the Times Square Alliance, presents leading contemporary art and performances to Times Square’s 400,000 daily visitors; cultivating the creativity, energy, and edge that has made Times Square a national icon. …
Online MHA Program CurriculumThis course has two overall goals. The first is to increase participants’ effectiveness in managing and leading individuals and teams in healthcare organizations. This includes addressing issues of equity, diversity and inclusion within organizations and …
Capstone Projects
ANALYZING AND MITIGATING TELEHEALTH DISPARITIES AND BARRIERSThe Department of Medicine is the largest academic department in the Mount Sinai Health System, a large New York City-based hospital network. At the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic in March 2020, the Department of Medicine logged over 4,000 telehealth …
Capstone: Advanced Projects in Health Finance, Management, and Policy ICouples with CAP-GP 3802. For MPA-Health students. As part of the core curriculum of the NYU Wagner Masters program, Capstone teams spend an academic year addressing challenges and identifying opportunities for a client organization or conducting research …Publication
Mesas Executivas e o fomento aos produtos compatíveis com a floresta na AmazôniaSalo Coslovsky … Mesas Executivas e o fomento aos produtos compatíveis com a floresta na Amazônia …
Faculty Profile
Rain HendersonAs the Founder of Elemental Advisors, Rain supports leaders at all levels to make meaningful change in their part of the world. Sought for exceptional strategy and management skills, Elemental specializes in capturing their clients’ vision and building …
Capstone Projects
User Charges: An Analysis of Collection Trends 1997- 2004The federal government collects user charges in order to link the costs of providing certain goods and services to those who most directly benefit from them. Because of the nations renewed interest in creating new revenue streams, the United States …
Faculty Profile
Pam KingpetcharatPam Kingpetcharat is an Adjunct Associate Professor of Public Service at NYU’s Robert F. Wagner Graduate School of Public Service. She currently serves as Chief Operating & Financial Officer (COFO) at Achievement Network, a K-12 social enterprise …
Student Spaces AV GuideOpen the Zoom app on your laptop. Click the Home tab on the top left. Press the Share Screen button to share your laptop display with the room (it may take a few moments to connect). Zoom app for Desktop and Mobile devices You can also pair using the …
Faculty Profile
Jan BlusteinJan Blustein’s research focusses on the health and well-being of older people. It has been published in New England Journal of Medicine , JAMA, British Medical Journal, Health Affairs , and other leading journals. She transitioned to Emerita status at …
Faculty Profile
Salo Vinocur CoslovskySalo Coslovsky's research analyzes how governments in developing countries build legal authority and use it to influence routine business practices. He is particularly interested in the enforcement of labor, environmental, food safety, and similar …