Capstone Projects
A Closer Look at the United Nations WP.29It is generally assumed that the only way for the US to address the threat of terror-ism is to defeat it by military means, and that the US should not and cannot negotiate-ate with terrorists (either because there are no issues to negotiate or terrorists …
Capstone Projects
Knowledge Management in Development AssistanceThe United Nations Office for Project Services (UNOPS) is the project management arm of the United Nations. It operates in every field where the UN has a mandate - from land mine awareness to public sector reform, from informatics solutions to eradicating …
Capstone Projects
Shaping the Policy Agenda to Include Alternatives to Military Solutions to Al-Qaeda TerrorismIt is generally assumed that the only way for the US to address the threat of terror-ism is to defeat it by military means, and that the US should not and cannot negotiate-ate with terrorists (either because there are no issues to negotiate or terrorists …
Capstone Projects
Anti-Corruption Impact Monitoring in the East Asia and Pacific RegionThe World Bank supports a broad range of activities to reduce corruption in the East Asia and Pacific Region. While it has made significant investments, it has limited information about the extent of their impact on corruption levels in Bank-supported …
Capstone Projects
Anti-Corruption Impact Monitoring in the East Asia and Pacific RegionThe World Bank supports a broad range of activities to reduce corruption in the East Asia and Pacific Region. While it has made significant investments, it has limited information about the extent of their impact on corruption levels in Bank-supported …
Capstone Projects
Strengthening Human Resource Processes and Determining a Salary Scale for a Health and Human Services AgencyComunilife is a multi-service, health and human service agency providing culturally appropriate and community-centered mental health and social services, meals, and housing for people who are homeless and/or low-income, mentally ill, or living with …
How to Be An Effective Activist: A Training on Nonviolent ActionThe history of democracy in the US and abroad is in large part a history of popular protest—from the Civil Rights Movement, LGBTQ activism, or the Tea Party movement in the US to the ousting of dictators around the world. Despite the centrality of protest …
Who Is at Risk with Healthcare Reform?Dean Sherry Glied presents the three groups that are at risk with the new healthcare reform law. … Who Is at Risk with Healthcare …
Faculty Profile
Alexander GleasonAlex Gleason is a Vice President at Mercury Public Affairs, a subsidiary of Omnicom International, where he has worked for two years assisting thought leaders, private corporations, governments, and non-profits on a myriad of important issues related to …
Has falling crime invited gentrification?Since the early 1990s, central city crime has fallen dramatically in the United States. We explore the extent to which this trend may have contributed to gentrification. Using confidential census microdata, we show that reductions in central city violent …
My Summer Internship Experience: Jiayi Liu, Program Assistant, UA3Jiayi Liu (MPA 2025) had always been called to work with a nonprofit organization. Through the Ellen Schall Experience Fund , a stipend awarded to a select group of students working in unpaid summer internships, Liu had the opportunity to serve as a …
Financial ManagementIn this core course in financial management, students will learn the fundamentals of budgeting and accounting for public, health, and nonprofit organizations. Through readings, lectures, real-world case studies, and assignments, students will gain an …Faculty Profile
Takiema Bunche-SmithPresident and Founder of Anahsa Consulting, Takiema Bunche Smith has worked as an executive leader and coach, curriculum designer and facilitator, and parent activist for over two decades. Her personal mission is to support individuals to understand their …
Composing Your Career: IntroductionAssistant Dean David Schachter offers an overview of a successful way to plan a successful public service career. … Composing Your Career: …
NYU Wagner Gathering of Brazil Parliamentarians and Analysts Weighs Future of Amazon Rain ForestA panel discussion at NYU Wagner on Sept. 23 weighed the future of the imperiled Amazon rainforest at a particularly volatile moment in its history – with widespread burning and despoliation, and rising global concern. During the morning forum, a …
Capstone Projects
Identifying a Strategic Direction in an Alternative Payment Model FutureWith state and federal dollars, healthcare providers are increasingly incentivized to address the socioeconomic factors leading to poor health through partnerships with community-based social service organizations (CBOs). Yet access to such financial …
Capstone Projects
Can Consumer Protection Practices Help Microfinance Clients Avoid the Perils of Debt?A means to help low-income individuals gain access to credit, microfinance has been met with mixed results, sometimes increasing clients’ over-indebtedness and threatening their financial welfare. A growing industry solution is the implementation of a set …
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Capstone Projects
Key success factors of community-level social enterprisesThe Hunger Project (THP) works with over 17,000 communities in Africa, South Asia, and Latin America to develop innovative means of poverty and hunger reduction. With a special focus on women’s empowerment and social enterprise, THP aims to effect change …
Of Risk and Pork: Urban Security and the Politics of RationalityThis article focuses on the Urban Area Security Initiative (UASI) controversy as a case study in the politics of risk assessment. It examines struggles among diverse actors–think tank experts, journalists, politicians, and government officials–engaged in …
GradesGrading Policy Students will receive grades according to the following scale: A = 4.000 points A- = 3.667 points B+ = 3.333 points B = 3.000 points B- = 2.667 points C+ = 2.333 points C = 2.000 points C- = 1.667 points F (fail) = 0.0 points (A) Excellent: …
Risk Preferences, Time Preferences, and Willingness-to-Pay with Mobile Money versus Cash in BangladeshJean Lee, Jonathan Morduch, and Abu Shonchoy … Risk Preferences, Time Preferences, and Willingness-to-Pay with Mobile Money versus Cash in …
CYC: Video SeriesThese Composing Your Career videos, and our other resources, are designed to help you develop a successful career in public service. In the Tracks Exercise video, we'll take a look at how you can better establish what you’re looking for. In the What …
NYU Wagner Announces New Faculty MembersNYU Wagner is delighted to announce that our outstanding faculty will be enriched by the addition of a number of distinguished scholars with deep expertise and broad experience in critical policy areas. The new arrivals include eleven noted researchers, …