Distinguished Visiting Urbanist Richard Buery in Conversation with NYC First Lady Chirlane McCrayBy Amanda Goorin (MPA-HPAM) On Wednesday, February 13, NYU Wagner Distinguished Visiting Urbanist Richard Buery sat down with First Lady of New York City Chirlane McCray to discuss the creation and implementation of ThriveNYC , the city’s comprehensive …
Bachelor's-Master's Program PortalBachelor's-Master's eligibility requirements Policies Credit Requirement Through our Bachelor's-Master's track, you can complete up to 21 of the required 45 credits (7 courses) for the MPA or MUP. Wagner graduate credits that you earn as an undergraduate …
NYU Wagner Capstone Team works with alumna to improve education in Nicaragua coffee fields For school-aged children growing up in the isolated coffee lands of Nicaragua, educational opportunities are scarce. Poverty and lack of access to schools in these remote, rural areas keep close to half a million children from going to school. As a …
NYU experts address issues for tackling opioid crisis from wide range of perspectivesOn February 15, NYU Law’s Health Law and Policy Society (HLPS) and Student Advocates for Empowerment through Harm Reduction (SAFER) hosted a panel discussion called “ Combating the Opioid Crisis .” Sherry Glied, Dean of NYU Wagner, participated on the …
Going Solo: The Extraordinary Rise and Surprising Appeal of Living AloneKlinenberg, Eric. … Going Solo: The Extraordinary Rise and Surprising Appeal of Living Alone …
School-based strategies to prevent violence, trauma and psychopathology: The challenges of going to scaleChildren's trauma-related mental health problems are widespread, largely untreated and constitute significant barriers to academic achievement and attainment. Translational research has begun to identify school-based interventions to prevent violence, …
Going Dutch? Not So Fast!In his essay “Warming to the European way” (May 2), Russell Shorto sounds the praises of the Dutch welfare state. However, the Dutch welfare state isn’t as beneficial to low-skilled immigrants as it is to high-skilled workers like Mr. Shorto. In fact, it …
Capstone Projects
Carpe Vitam: Leadership for Learning: Where Do We Go From Here?The Carpe Vitam: Leadership for Learning (LfL) initiative is an international project involving teams from Australia, Austria, Denmark, Norway, Greece, the United Kingdom, and the United States. This initiative specifically focuses on the role of school …
Capstone Projects
Carpe Vitam: Leadership for Learning: Where Do We Go From Here?The Carpe Vitam: Leadership for Learning (LfL) initiative is an international project involving teams from Australia, Austria, Denmark, Norway, Greece, the United Kingdom, and the United States. This initiative specifically focuses on the role of school …