International ApplicantsStudents entering an NYU Wagner master's program are required to hold a bachelor's degree from an accredited college or university in the U.S. or an equivalent degree from a foreign country. If you received an undergraduate degree from an institution …
Alumni Spotlight: Mustafa Babak (Global EMPA 2017)Where do you work? I am the Co-Founder and Executive Director of Afghan-American Foundation (AAF), a non-profit organization founded in 2020 to elevate and advance the interests of Afghan-Americans through policy and cultural advocacy, education, …
Wagner Instructional Technology meet with Wagner's Instructional Technologists Faculty Consults Wagner's teaching staff work one on one with Wagner's expert instructional technologist, Henrietta M Pas-Amor to address their needs. Sign up now! Faculty Consults Faculty Drop-In Sessions …
Big Data and Social Science, 2nd EditionIan Foster, Rayid Ghani, Ron S. Jarmin, Frauke Kreuter and Julia Lane … Big Data and Social Science, 2nd Edition …
Capstone Projects
Mount Vernon east station area downtown revitalization planThe City of Mount Vernon is an inner-ring suburb of New York City located approximately 13 miles north of Midtown Manhattan. Like many urban areas across the country, Mount Vernon is confronting a range of challenges to its economy and quality of life. At …
Capstone Projects
Making the case for New York City’s age-friendly local business initiativeOver the last few years, the New York Academy of Medicine (NYAM) has seen how store layout and indifferent service can make older New Yorkers feel marginalized and discourage them from shopping independently. Given the projected growth of the older …
Capstone Projects
A DESCRIPTIVE ANALYSIS OF CHANGES TO HEALTHCARE AND HEALTH STATUS ACROSS A GENTRIFYING CITYHealth, socioeconomic status, and neighborhood characteristics have well-documented associations. Relatedly, limited healthcare access-typically thought of as a rural issue that can exacerbate health conditions and lead to poorer outcomes-also exists in …
Capstone Projects
MIGRATION AND INCLUSION IN NEW YORK CITYThe World Bank, comprised of 189 member countries, aims to end extreme poverty and foster income growth of the lowest earning 40 percent of the population of every country. Currently, there are 28 mega-cities-cities with 10 million inhabitants or more- …
Capstone Projects
THE STATE OF ORAL HEALTH AND PROMOTING THE IMPORTANCE OF RINSINGJohnson & Johnson is one of the world's oldest and most trusted providers of oral care products. Over the last decade, Johnson & Johnson has faced significant challenges in increasing public awareness of the oral health benefits of mouthwash. As a result, …
Of Risk and Pork: Urban Security and the Politics of RationalityThis article focuses on the Urban Area Security Initiative (UASI) controversy as a case study in the politics of risk assessment. It examines struggles among diverse actors–think tank experts, journalists, politicians, and government officials–engaged in …
Faculty Profile
Don WaisanenDon Waisanen is an Adjunct Professor of Public Service of NYU’s Robert F. Wagner Graduate School of Public Service. He is also a Professor in the Baruch College, CUNY Marxe School of Public and International Affairs, where he received the Presidential …
The 1996 National Survey of Homeless Assistance Providers and Clients: A Comparison of Faith-Based and Secular Non-Profit ProgramsOne of the most dramatic findings to emerge from the 1996 National Survey of Homeless Assistance Providers and Clients (NSHAPC) is the tremendous growth in the number and variety of homeless assistance programs during the late 1980s and early 1990s. While …
Which Parts of Globalization Matter for Catch-Up Growth?Economists devote too much attention to international flows of goods and services and not enough to international flows of ideas. Traditional trade flows are an imperfect substitute for flows of the underlying ideas. The simplest textbook trade model …
Capstone Projects
Chronic HomelessnessThe New York City Department of Homeless Services (DHS) is committed to reducing homelessness through prevention efforts, providing short-term shelter, and ultimately connecting individuals with permanent housing. Chronic homelessness refers to …
Overweight, obesity, and inactivity and urban design in rapidly growing Chinese citiesChina faces rising rates of overweight, obesity, and physical inactivity among its citizens. Risk is highest in China’s rapidly growing cities and urban populations. Current urban development practices and policies in China heighten this risk. These …
Residential on-site carsharing and off-street parking: The case of the San Francisco Bay AreaThis research explores the recent practice of connecting on-site carsharing service with off-street parking standards in multifamily developments; the San Francisco Bay Area, California, is used as a case study. If implemented well, such a policy could …
NYU Wagner alum bridges divide between vulnerable communities and policePolice-community relations is a much-discussed topic in America, especially in recent years. However, gathering information from communities—especially vulnerable populations—about the various issues and challenges they face can be complicated. “Talking …
Beyond Black: Diversity among Black Immigrant Students in New York City Public SchoolsThe child population in the United States is rapidly changing and diversifying — in large part because of immigration. Today, nearly one in four US children under the age of 18 is the child of an immigrant. While research has focused on the largest of …
Capstone Projects
INITIAL IMPACT ANALYSIS OF ANTI-TRAFFICKING TRAINING FOR LODGING SECTOR EMPLOYEESEnd Child Prostitution in Asian Tourism-United States (ECPAT) strives to create a world in which no child is bought, sold, or used for sex. ECPAT works with the hospitality industry to provide hotel staff with training on the commercial sexual …
State Pubic Insurance Coverage Policies and Postpartum Care Among ImmigrantsMaria W. Steenland, Rachel E. Fabi, Meghan Bellerose, Arielle Desir, Maggie S. White, and Laura R. Wherry … State Pubic Insurance Coverage Policies and Postpartum Care Among …
Capstone Projects
A Case Study on Best Practices for Out of School Time Intermediary OrganizationsThe After-School Corporation (TASC) Capstone team conducted case studies of six cities that were representative of the diversity of intermediary organizations currently engaged in systems building across the nation. The following intermediaries were …
Landing Page
Master of Public Administration - Public & Nonprofit Management & PolicyMPA in Public & Nonprofit Management & Policy Learn how to effectively address the most pressing issues of our time. “My time at Wagner supported my work in city government. Having previously worked at the federal and state government, it was an …
Borrowing for the Public Good: The Growing Importance of Tax-Exempt Bonds for Public CharitiesThe importance of tax-exempt borrowing as a capital source to the nonprofit sector has significantly grown over time. Tax-exempt bonds issued by nonprofits has risen from an inflation-adjusted $106.3 billion in 1993 to $388.5 billion in 2010 representing …
Alumni In Action
Hewett ChiuHow would you describe your experience as a Wagner student? Wagner was extremely encouraging and practical. A constant theme throughout my student experience was the ability to apply concepts taught in the classroom to real-world applications and …