Connecting Teachers Using Ed Tech via Edproconnect

CSK Education
Miriam Altman
Danielle Campbell, Philippa Ji-Hyun Kim, Nicole Shaia

Classrooms have widely adopted educational technology (EdTech) as a means to offer more personalized learning. However, while there is a proliferation of solutions in the global ed tech market, which is estimated to reach $252 billion by 2020, little is known about the efficacy of EdTech and its effect on learning outcomes. To address these questions, the Capstone team conducted over 70 customer interviews with key stakeholders, including educators, EdTech firms, parents, administrators, and policymakers. The team found that the most important factor in technology and education is an educator’s ability to incorporate technology tools into their curriculum skillfully, understand the functionality of these tools, and adapt to advancements in technology. However, if a teacher or school does not have the resources or experience to develop a technology-based curriculum, the results are ineffective. In response, the team created a platform called EdProConnect to facilitate communications and exchanges between teachers and stakeholders.

Capstone Year