Capstone Projects

Displaying 1465 - 1488 of 1828
The DUMBO Improvement District is one of 60 Business Improvement Districts (BIDs) in the City of New York. The BID is funded by local commercial property owners, and its budget is used to provide improvements such as keeping the streets clean, advocating …
DUMBO Improvement District
Leadership Enterprise for a Diverse America (LEDA) is a national nonprofit organization dedicated to developing the academic and leadership potential of exceptional high school students from socio-economically disadvantaged backgrounds. Now at a critical …
Leadership Enterprise for a Diverse America
As the largest community center of its type on the East Coast, and the second largest in the world, the LGBT Community Center has worked for 22 years to fortify, enrichand provide a vibrant home for the LGBT Community of New York City. The Capstone team …
Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and TransgenderCommunity Center of New York City
As the largest community center of its type on the East Coast, and the second largest in the world, the LGBT Community Center has worked for 22 years to fortify, enrichand provide a vibrant home for the LGBT Community of New York City. The Capstone team …
Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and TransgenderCommunity Center of New York City
The New York City Deputy Mayor's Office of Health and Human Services is working within the World Health Organization's guidelines to transform New York City into a city livable for people of all ages, with an emphasis on the elderly population, a large …
New York City Deputy Mayor's Office of Health and Human Services
The goal of this Capstone team's project was to assist Maimonides Medical Center in creating a pediatric urgent care center service model. By routing non-acute pediatric patients to a setting more appropriate for treatment of non-emergent problems, …
Maimonides Medical Center
The United Nations system adopted results based management (RBM) as part of a broad reform initiative, though implementation of this framework has proven inconsistent across programs. The Office of the UnderSecretary General for Management requested that …
United Nations, Office of the Under Secretary General for Management
The Diabetes Management Project at Gouverneur Health Services helps mostly low-income patients with diabetes to man-age their illness. This project works to control diabetics’ glucose, blood pressure and cholesterol and ensures that patients have annual …
Diabetes Project at Gouverneur Hospital
The Diabetes Management Project at Gouverneur Health Services helps mostly low-income patients with diabetes to man-age their illness. This project works to control diabetics’ glucose, blood pressure and cholesterol and ensures that patients haveannual …
Diabetes Project at Gouverneur Hospital
Many public benefits programs exclude people with more-than-minimal asset wealth in order to prevent individuals with substantial savings from relying on the government. In recent years, researchers and policymakers have grown concerned that asset limits …
Do Food Stamp Asset Limits Hinder Household Saving?
New York City currently spends over $500 million on the energy required to run city government operations. The Capstone team evaluated the computer model the City uses to forecast those costs for budget purposes. The model estimates costs for …
New York City Department of Citywide Administrative Services, Office of Energy Conservation
New York-Presbyterian Hospital's (NYPH) ultimate goal is to provide patients with high quality, safe and compassionate care. As one of the initiatives towards this goal, NYPH requested a Capstone team to evaluate the impact of a cart-less medication …
New York-Presbyterian Hospital
Since its inception in 1987, Echoing Green has provided first-stage funding and support to nearly 400 visionary nonprofit leaders with bold ideas for social change. With this support, Echoing Green Fellows have created innovative organizations in urban …
Echoing Green
Local 32BJ membership is comprised of service employees, including mainte­nance, janitorial and construction workers, security guards, and doormen. The union wants to ensure that economic develop­ment funding is spent creating meaningful jobs for its …
Service Employees International Union Local 32BJ
When exploring women's workforce participation in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA), questions of culture and religion often surface. These issues frequently become roadblocks in debating impacts of female labor force participation and methods of …
World Bank
Looking to scale-up its funding of water and sanitation in Latin America, the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) sought a case study of its work in the region to serve as an example from which to draw. The bank contracted the Capstone team to spend one …
Inter-American Development Bank
"Regulating pollution levels can be costly for governments and polluters. In hopes of a more cost­effective manner for reducing pollution, the EPA launched its first voluntary programs for pollution control in 1991. Such programs form partnerships with …
Research Capstone
NAFTA and U.S. recognition of Mexico's regions of appellation for tequila brought a substantial presence of multinational corporations into Mexico's tequila industry. With this, agave -- the principal ingredient of tequila -- is no longer cultivated by …
Siembra Azul Foundation
Elmhurst Hospital’s obstetrics service has experienced a significant decline in the number of obstetrics deliveries in the past several years. The Hospital engaged a Capstone team to analyze OB models of care nation-wide and within the New York …
Elmhurst Hospital Center of the Queens Health Network
Elmhurst Hospital’s obstetrics service has experienced a significant decline in the number of obstetrics deliveries in the past several years. The Hospital engaged a Capstone team to analyze OB models of care nation-wide and within the New York …
Elmhurst Hospital Center of the Queens Health Network
In partnership with public and private agencies, NYC Department of Homeless Services (DHS) provides temporary emergency shelter for eligible people in a safe, supportive environment. DHS has been working on reducing the growth of these shelter system and …
New York City Department of Homeless Services / Adult Services
In partnership with public and private agencies, NYC Department of Homeless Services (DHS) provides temporary emergency shelter for eligible people in a safe, supportive environment. DHS has been working on reducing the growth of these shelter system and …
New York City Department of Homeless Services / Adult Services
Palladia empowers individuals to become active, productive members of the commu­nity through programs aimed at easing the struggle with addiction, homelessness, domestic violence, and trauma. Palladia wanted a more concrete understanding of the systemic …
Palladia, Inc.
CEO provides employment placement and retention services to newly released, formerly-incarcerated individuals. Historically, such programs focused on job placement as the desirable outcome. However, a recent shift in emphasis to job retention requires …
Center for Employment Opportunities (CEO)