Course Subject
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Topics in Public Service: State & Local Government Action on Contemporary Workers' Rights Issues

Course Description

This course will examine current pressing issues in relation to labor and workers’ rights, and will  explore the role of state and local governments in addressing these topics. Topics will include unionization, workplace safety and health, wage theft, misclassification of workers as independent contractors, the fissured workplace, labor market inequities, and the resurgence of child labor. Students will learn the central challenges in relation to each topic, and will examine methods by which different actors within state and local government (legislators, enforcers, etc.) have taken action in relation to these challenges. Students will explore the potential and limitations of state and local government in advancing and safeguarding workers’ rights. Readings will include statutes, legal cases, opinion pieces, think tank reports, government press releases, and similar materials, along with academic writing. In addition to gaining an overview in key issues affecting workers in the United States today, students will learn to identify the key challenges in relation to pressing issues and innovative methods for various levels of government to act. Writing assignments will require students to hone their skills in succinctly presenting complex information. 
