Public Policy Minor

(formerly Social & Public Policy Minor)

Addressing and understanding policy in areas ranging from education, health, and immigration to sustainability and urban planning is at the heart of NYU Wagner's mission. Drawing on this traditional strength, the joint Wagner-College of Arts and Science Public Policy Minor offers a broad introduction to policy-making. You can then choose from among courses covering specific areas of policy. Whether you plan to pursue careers in the policy arena or merely remain engaged citizens, the Public Policy Minor provides a sturdy foundation.

Minor Declaration

CAS students should email to declare the minor.

Students in other NYU schools can apply for the minor in NYU Albert in the My Academics section of your Student Center. The minor is found under College of Arts and Sciences.


Students must complete a total of 16 credits for the minor within the guidelines below. At least 8 credits of the minor need to be from the College of Arts and Sciences (-UA). 

Take the following required course (4 credits):

UPADM-GP 101, The Politics of Public Policy

Choose at least one of the following policy analysis electives (4 credits):

In the policy analysis electives, students are assessed on their ability to analyze and compare policy approaches to current social challenges.

UPADM-GP 102, Introduction to Social Impact 
UPADM-GP 140, The Economics of Public Policy 
UPADM-GP 209, The American Presidency     
UPADM-GP 215, The Politics of New York 
UPADM-GP 217, Sustainable Urban Development 
UPADM-GP 219, Segregation and Public Policy in the American City 
UPADM-GP 236, Topics in Health: Policy, Politics, and Power 
UPADM-GP 282, Moving NYC: Travel Behavior and Policy in New York City 
UPADM-GP 430, Intelligence and National Security Policymaking  
ECON-UA 208, Policy Issues in History of Economic Thought    
ECON-UA 227, Urban Economics    
ECON-UA 233, Poverty & Income Distribution    
ENVST-UA 410, Environmental Economics    
ENVST-UA 422, Science in Environmental Policy    
ENVST-UA 423, History of United States Environmental Policy    
ENVST-UA 495, Urban Greening Lab: New York    
ENVST-UA 630, Animals and Public Policy    
POL-UA 315, Controversies in Public Policy: Logic and Evidence    
POL-UA 382, Politics of Poverty & Welfare    
POL-UA 842, Doing Political Economy: Apprs to Public Policy    
SOC-UA 452, Immigration    
SOC-UA 503, Criminology      

Choose two of the following general policy electives [can include any policy analysis electives above] (8 credits):

General policy electives give students context or skills to understand current social challenges.

UPADM-GP 103, Management and Leadership
UPADM-GP 226, Leadership: Women and Public Policy 
UPADM-GP 268, Race, Immigration, and Financial Citizenship in the U.S. 
UPADM-GP 269, How to Change the World: Advocacy Movements and Social Innovation 
UPADM-GP 275, Contemporary Global Crises and Humanitarian Politics  
ECON-UA 231, Money and Banking    
ANTH-UA 36, Global Biocultures: Anthropological Perspectives on Public Health    
ARTH-UA 663, Hist of City Planning, 19th & 20th Centuries    
CAMS-UA 153, Mental Health and Society    
CAMS-UA 155, Making Medical Decisions    
DS-UA 111, Data Science for Everyone    
ECON-UA 336, International Economics 
ENVST-UA 470, Climate and Society    
POL-UA 330, American Constitution    
POL-UA 332, Civil Liberties    
POL-UA 336, Gender in Law    
POL-UA 354, The Politics of Administrative Law    
POL-UA 360, Urban Gov'T & Politics    
POL-UA 710, U.S. Foreign Policy    
POL-UA 741, War, Peace, and World Order    
POL-UA 844, Games, Strategy, and Politics    
SCA-UA 236, Race & the American Right    
SCA-UA 366, Constitution and People of Color    
SCA-UA 613, Community Empowerment    
SCA-UA 631, Urban Environmentalism    
SCA-UA 632, Climate Change and Environmental Justice    
SCA-UA 755, American Dilemmas: Race, Inequality, and the Unfulfilled Promise of Public Education    
SOC-UA 137, Wealth, Power & Status: Inequality in Society    
SOC-UA 413, Law and Society    
SOC-UA 454, The Social Challenges of Climate Change    


For more information about the curriculum, please see our Advising and Policies page.

Authoritative curriculum information can be found exclusively in the University Bulletin. All other content, including this webpage, is for informational purposes only. You can find the curriculum for this program on this page of the Bulletin.


Wagner Undergraduate Advising

For information regarding CAS course registration, please contact the CAS Minors Team