What Math Review resources does Wagner offer?

The following opportunities exist for Wagner students to brush up on their math skills:

Online Math Refresher and Classroom Review Module
Wagner will send you information about an online math refresher. We encourage you to review these materials to determine how much review you may need to do before classes begin. In addition to the online refresher, Wagner also offers a preparatory in-class workshop before the start of the semester. Math Review (NONCR-GP 906) is a non-credit review module. This module will offer you the opportunity to ask questions in a classroom setting and will contextualize the quantitative review by giving examples of how the material will appear in your core courses. Regardless of the specialization you choose, three of the Core courses you will be required to take will involve quantitative skills. You are strongly encouraged to take advantage of the refresher materials and preparatory workshop.

Wagner's Math Review
The noncredit Math Review module NONCR-GP 0906 focuses on math skills that are essential to statistics, microeconomics, and financial management. For more information about Math Review and resources, click here.

Quantitative Tutoring
Every semester, Wagner provides tutors in microeconomics, statistics, and financial management at no charge to students. Tutoring hours and locations are also posted on the website here.