Where can I find resources for housing and living in New York?

    Whether you live on or off campus, are here for the summer, or are living in faculty housing, you will find yourself living "in and of" New York City. Manhattan's vibrant Greenwich Village neighborhood is home to many of NYU's campus buildings. 

    Students and faculty find housing in this community as well as its surrounding neighborhoods, boroughs and the greater New York City area.  Whether you're a new student applying to live in one of the University's residence halls or are looking for assistance in your off-campus apartment search, NYU has services and offices to simplify the New York City housing process.

    You can learn more about NYU living by visiting here: http://www.nyu.edu/life/living-at-nyu.html

    Starting graduate school in New York City is a unique experience. New York City provides a myriad of opportunities to engage with the city and its urban life. When students first arrive, navigating it all can be a challenge. To help students get started with determining where to live, how to get around, and how to enjoy New York, Wagner created a neighborhood map of where most students live, a list of apartment search and housing resources, and several resource links recommended by other students.

    To visit this site click here: https://wagner.nyu.edu/portal/students/getting-started/intl-student-guide/living-in-NY