Capstone Projects
Designing flexible evaluation and performance measurement tools to communicate impactConvergence Center for Policy Resolution (CCPR) facilitates structured dialogue and relationship building between individuals and organizations with conflicting views by identifying shared solutions to urgent social and policy issues. Headquartered in …
Capstone Projects
An analysis of a scholarship programIn 2008, the Jewish Foundation for Education of Women (JFEW) changed its scholarship strategy by moving away from awarding scholarships directly to students, and instead providing grants to universities and institutions. These partners select scholarship …
First-generation college students share unique experiences in panel eventOn November 30, NYU Wagner hosted " Trailblazers: First Gen College Students ,” a panel and networking opportunity focused on the unique experiences of first-generation college students. The event was co-sponsored by the Wagner Student Association and the …
My Brother's Keeper? The Association between Having Siblings in Poor Health and Wealth AccumulationWhen confronted with the economic costs of addressing a serious health problem, many American households do not possess the ability to deal with the crises on their own and may turn to family members for help. Using longitudinal data from the Panel Study …
Capstone Projects
A Business Plan to Create a Residential Rehabilitation CenterVISIONS is a nonprofit organization dedicated to assisting people of all ages with vision loss and generating public awareness about capabilities and needs of the blind and visually impaired in the New York Metropolitan area. Facing the challenge of …
Capstone Projects
Understanding Your AudienceSnug Harbor Cultural Center and Botanical Garden is a hidden gem in NYC; a place where history, architecture, art, theater, dance, music, and horticulture converge to provide dynamic experiences for all ages. The diversity of programming and attractions …
Capstone Projects
Diverse RecruitmentThe East Harlem Tutorial Program (EHTP) is a nonprofit organization that works with students in East Harlem to achieve academic and personal success and to become future community leaders. Due to a variety of factors in the education reform space, EHTP is …
Capstone Projects
The Influence of Micro Food-Environments on Food Consumption and BMI OutcomesThe rise in obesity rates has increased interest around the “food environment,” or the availability of healthy and unhealthy foods in a community. While there is considerable focus on the influence of food environments, studies that attempt to link …
Capstone Projects
How to Show Success: Developing Performance Measures for Anti-Poverty ProgramsThe Metropolitan Council on Jewish Poverty (Met Council) is one of New York City’s largest human service agencies, providing thousands of New Yorkers with critical services and assistance in their fight against poverty. As part of an organizational effort …
Capstone Projects
Strengthening the Management, Development & Programming Structures Necessary for a Nonprofit Organization’s SuccessCareer Gear is a nonprofit organization dedicated to helping disadvantaged men obtain and maintain jobs by providing them with business-appropriate clothing, professional development counseling, and follow-up support to achieve self-sufficiency. At a …
Enforcing food quality and safety standards in Brazil: The case of COBRACANAGlobalization of production has been complemented by increasingly stricter product quality and safety regulations. This trend is particularly acute in the food and beverage sectors, which puts enormous strain on producers from developing nations. This …
Capstone Projects
DEVELOPING A STRATEGIC PLAN FOR ENVIRONMENTAL EDUCATIONThe Namib Desert Environmental Education Trust (NaDEET)-a nonprofit environmental education organization located in Namibia-aims to protect Namibia's natural environment by educating its citizens to practice a sustainable lifestyle. After successfully …
Capstone Projects
ASSESSING THE DECENTRALIZATION PROCESS AND LOCAL GOVERNANCE IN TANZANIAThe European Commission's Directorate-General for Development and Cooperation (EC) supports local and community development and governance through its Civil Society Organizations and Local Authorities Unit. The Unit engaged a Capstone team to continue the …
Health Evaluation and Analytics LabThe Health Evaluation and Analytics Lab (HEAL) promotes applied research to help health sector organizations evaluate initiatives that seek to improve health outcomes among populations and to improve healthcare delivery practices. HEAL was established in …
Contribution of Primary Care to Health Systems and HealthEvidence of the health-promoting influence of primary care has been accumulating ever since researchers have been able to distinguish primary care from other aspects of the health services delivery system. This evidence shows that primary care helps …
Reorganizing Primary Care at Mount Sinai HospitalManagers of a healthcare organization have numerous demands on their time, their skills, their knowledge, and their budgets. They are responsible for adapting to change, managing their office, making effective decisions, among countless other tasks. This …
Primary care impact on health outcomes: A literature reviewEvidence of the health-promoting influence of primary care has been accumulating ever since researchers have been able to distinguish primary care from other aspects of the health services delivery system. This evidence shows that primary care helps …
The Unbanked: Evidence from IndonesiaTo analyze the prospects for expanding financial access to the poor, bank professionals assessed 1,438 households in six provinces in Indonesia to judge their creditworthiness. About 40 percent of poor households were judged creditworthy according to the …
Narrative Inquiry and the Search for Connectedness: Practitioners and Academics Developing Public Administration ScholarshipMaintaining a vibrant field of public administration requires ongoing efforts to link the worlds of academic researchers and practitioners. We suggest that research itself, traditionally pursued by academics, is a promising mechanism for making this …
Decentralization in Africa: Goals, Dimensions, Myths and ChallengesDecentralisation is a complex and often somewhat elusive phenomenon. Many countries around the world have been attempting- for several reasons and with varying degrees of intention and success-to create or strengthen sub-national governments in recent …
The Case for the Use of Evidence-Based Management Research for the Control of Hospital CostsThis article explores the current state of the creation and use of evidence by managers for cost containment in hospitals. We assert that hospitals do not know enough about what things cost, and until they get evidence on costs, it is not likely that much …
Alumni In Action
Sandra Goldstein“Urban planning and economic development are two of the most stimulating and intellectually satisfying types of work one can do,” says Sandy Goldstein (MS 1998). “And a business improvement district,” she adds, “is an incredible way of helping to create a …
National Journal talks with Professor Ingrid Gould Ellen about Housing Subsidies – and AirbnbIn an interview with the National Journal , NYU Wagner Professor Ingrid Gould Ellen discusses innovative ways in which traditional housing subsidies for the poor, like Section 8, could potentially be used to help a much larger number of low-income …
Capstone Projects
ANALYZING SUBNATIONAL GOVERNANCE OF RENEWABLE ENERGY POLICIES IN MEXICOThe World Bank Group’s Governance Global Practice supports client countries by helping them build capable, efficient, transparent, inclusive, and accountable institutions with the aim of eradicating extreme poverty and boosting shared prosperity. To …