WORLD CITIES PROJECTThe largest cities in the developed world all face an unprecedented challenge: how to meet the needs of a population that lives longer, has a declining birthrate, is generally healthier and – with an average life expectancy approaching 80 years – is …
Quantitative Methods for Policy AnalysisOpen only to students in the MSPP program. The goal of this course is to provide students with an introduction to key methods of quantitative policy analysis. We develop the statistical toolkit of regression analysis, reviewing the bivariate regression …Course
EMPA Seminar: Strategic Leadership for Public Service OrganizationsOnly open to students in the Executive MPA Program. Strategic Leadership is an intensive leadership course designed to equip mid-career students with the tools, perspectives, and frameworks for executing high-impact strategy within mission-driven …Course
Public Policy and Planning in New YorkNew York City is the nation's largest city, with a strong, active municipal government and an annual municipal budget of approximately $110 billion. The city charter provides the mayor with more power than the mayor of any other large city in the United …News
NYU Wagner Introduces New Specialization in Social Impact, Innovation, and InvestmentAs today’s global challenges become increasingly complex, the need for innovative, sustainable solutions has never been more glaring. Given the world’s population growth, inequitable distribution of essential resources, and exacerbating poverty and …
Lisa Ellen Goldberg FellowshipLisa Ellen Goldberg, the celebrated president of the Charles H. Revson Foundation and beloved wife of John Sexton, the former president of New York University, was a dynamic force in the world of philanthropy and the Jewish community. Prior to her death …
Costs, Aid & Assistance Tuition is calculated on a per-credit basis. Your tuition costs are customized based on the total number of credits you enroll in each term. Per-Credit Tuition Costs (2024-2025) FALL 2024 Spring 2025 Summer 2025 Tuition per point/credit $2,395 $2,395 …
WSA CommitteesOpportunities to get involved The Wagner Student Association (WSA) has many ways for new and continuing students to get involved! Take a look at some of our exciting committees below. Constitution Review Committee Help us shape how WSA governs by being an …
Statistical MethodsThis course introduces students to basic statistical methods and their application to management, policy, and financial decision-making. The course covers the essential elements of descriptive statistics, univariate and bivariate statistical inference, …Course
Data Analysis, Mapping, and StorytellingThis course will train students to obtain, clean, manipulate, analyze, map, and visualize spatial and non-spatial data to support their work throughout their urban planning careers. The course emphasizes the critical role of design and communication in …Course
Government BudgetingAn understanding of government budgeting is critical to understanding the policy process and the workings of government. This course covers the theory and practice of government budgeting at both the national and subnational levels. It reviews how …Capstone Projects
Housing and Birth Outcomes: How Neighborhood Housing Quality and Affordability Affect Birth Outcomes in New York CityIn the United States, birth outcomes vary widely among different socioeconomic groups. Some of these differences have been linked to the levels of stress experienced by pregnant women, which can seriously compromise the health of newborns. However, few …
Survey: To Lead, Attend a School of Public ServiceEighty-eight percent of senior public officials in state, county, and city government surveyed by Governing magazine say their graduate degree in a government-related field was helpful in preparing them for their current careers. The 189 senior state, …
Walking the Talk: How NIIAC's ESG Walks are Changing Networking in NYCBy Devashish Taknet (MPA 2024) In the bustling heart of New York City, the NYU Impact Investing Alumni Club (NIIAC) has pioneered an invigorating twist to traditional networking. With the 2023 launch of their Monthly ESG Walks in Central Park, the club …
Gender & Sexuality in U.S. Policy FormationThis graduate level course will provide an in-depth analysis of gender and sexuality policy in the United States. We will focus on the role that criminalization plays in this area, examining topics such abortion and regulation of intimate partner …Webpage
Leadership, Diversity and RaceFoldy, E. G. & Ospina, S. 2015. “ Leadership styles, ethnicity and race. ” Entry for Hou, Xiaoshuo (ed.) Blackwell Encyclopedia of Race, Ethnicity and Nationalism. Blackwell. Ospina, S., El Hadidy, W. Leadership, Diversity and Inclusion: Insights from …
Land Use, Housing and Community Development in New York City SeminarThis interdisciplinary seminar brings together law, urban planning and public policy students to analyze historic and current trends in affordable housing, community development, land use, and housing finance. We use New York City as a laboratory that is …Course
Real Estate FinanceThe course introduces students to the basic tools of real estate analysis and finance. The development and redevelopment of urban real estate, especially housing, is examined from a public policy perspective. Students will learn the acquisition and …Stories
NYU Wagner’s 7th Annual Day of ServiceDuring the spring semester, NYU Wagner students across the country came together to participate in the annual WagnerCares Day of Service. In addition to service projects in New York City, alumni in the Bay Area, Washington DC, and Los Angeles …
Student Spotlight: Hannah Larson (MPA 2023)What motivated you to attend Wagner, a school of public service? My friend, Manuela, and I had been working had been working as election canvasser first in Phoenix, Arizona for the 2020 General Election followed by Atlanta, Georgia for the 2020 Georgia …
Identifying Local Hot Spots of Pediatric Chronic Diseases Using Emergency Department SurveillanceDavid C. Lee, Stella S. Yi, Hiu Fai Fong, Jessica K. Athens, Joseph Ravenell, Mary Ann Sevick, Stephen P. Wall, Brian D. Elbel … Identifying Local Hot Spots of Pediatric Chronic Diseases Using Emergency Department …
Topics in Health Policy: Policy, Politics, and PowerThis graduate course is an introduction to major health policy issues and examines the role of government in the health care system. An important focus of the course is an assessment of the role of policy analysis in the formation and implementation of …Stories
Panelists Discuss Potential Solutions to Health Disparities on Marginalized CommunitiesOn Tuesday, December 8th, NYU Wagner and The Century Foundation presented Health Disparities in America: What’s the Cure? , a discussion about policy ideas that aim to eliminate health disparities within vulnerable communities. The panel included Dr. …
Mobility, Economic Opportunity and New York City NeighborhoodsAlthough public transit provides access to jobs throughout the New York City region, there are actually substantial inequalities in mobility. By focusing on the neighborhood level, the NYU Rudin Center for Transportation has identified communities that …