How to Change the World: Advocacy Movements and Social InnovationHow does someone go about changing the world? What does social change theory suggest are the most effective tactics to change hearts and minds? What can we learn from the past about what it means to be an effective agent of change? How have social …Course
Segregation and Public Policy in the American CityIn early 2020 the intertwined economic, social, and political crises facing cities brought renewed public awareness to entrenched racial inequality and oppression in the United States, particularly anti-Black racism. Students in this course will develop a …Course
The Politics of Public PolicyThis course provides an introduction to the political institutions and processes through which public policy is made and implemented in the United States (although the key concepts are applicable to other political systems as well). The course also …Webpage
Alumni Regional GroupsFind other NYU Wagner alumni who are living and working in the Bay Area by joining this group! The Bay Area group meets up every other month for happy hours, discussions, and picnics. Learn more … Find other NYU Wagner alumni who are living and working in …
Policy and Data StudioOpen only to students in the MSPP program. Policy and Data Studio builds on the core courses, your advanced coursework, and is specifically meant to deepen your data and data analytic skills, in the content of a policy issue. Studio is a unique end event …Course
Communication Skills for Policy AnalystsOpen only to students in the MSPP program. Communication Skills for Policy Analysts is a seminar course that simulates a fast-paced public policy environment where different stakeholders require a constant flow of written and oral communication work …Course
Methods and Microeconomics IntensiveOpen only to students in the MSPP program. This intensive course will provide students with: An understanding of basic statistics principles Familiarity with Stata Experience manipulating data and reading outputs in different formats A working …Course
Corporate Social Responsibility: Social Finance Partnerships and ModelsCorporate social innovation is an evolving practice of organizations of varying size and purpose to adapt to business activities with mission-driven models that produce social and environmental outcomes. The course will rigorously explore the evolution …Faculty Profile
Chengyan PuChengyan Pu is a PhD candidate in Public Administration at Zhejiang University. His research interests include local government, housing policy, and public finance, and he specializes in social network analysis. His work has been published in Applied …
Public Sector Foresight: Scenarios for Government Decision MakingScenario planning is a widely used decision-making practice used to find a sure course of action in the face of great uncertainty and difficult challenges. It was first developed at the Rand Institute and refined by the Group Planning team for Royal …Course
Design Thinking: A Creative Approach to Problem Solving and Creating Impact (undergraduate)The word "design" has traditionally been used to describe the visual aesthetics of objects such as books, websites, products, interiors, architecture, and fashion. But increasingly, the definition of design has expanded to include not just artifacts but …Course
Introduction to Data Analytics for Public Policy, Administration, and Management (EMPA)The goal of this course is to establish a first-principles understanding of the qualitative and quantitative techniques, tools, and processes used to wield data for effective decision-making. Its approach focuses on pragmatic, interactive learning using …Course
Contemporary Global Crises and Humanitarian PoliticsIn the context of a growing number of intersecting local, national, and global crises, each warranting political strategy, operational responses, and humanitarian planning across a range of states, agencies, movements, technical and political actors, this …Course
Smart, Sustainable Planning in AmsterdamThis one-week travel class to Amsterdam offers an immersive journey into the heart of sustainable urbanism. The course offers a unique opportunity for students to delve deep into the city's pioneering approaches to sustainable mobility, climate …Course
Jump-starting the Wagner Classroom ExperienceThis non-credit course is an excellent opportunity for all incoming Wagner students to jump-start their academic journey relative to both the foundational content as well as the classroom experience of Wagner graduate coursework. It is required of all …Course
Race, Immigration, and Financial Citizenship in the U.S.In this course, students will explore and examine financial citizenship in the United States and how it intersects with existing inequalities by race and immigration status. How financial products and services reproduce inequality carry deep consequences …Course
Planning Healthy NeighborhoodsIn the US, Health is a privilege, not a right. Approaches to health in this country have focused on treatment and cures, rather than prevention and care. Studies have shown that your zip code, where you live, matters more to your health than your genetic …Course
Urban Infrastructure Project PlanningThis course is about the process of scoping and planning public sector investment projects and the basic knowledge and skills required for their financial and economic appraisal (‘ex-ante’ evaluation). The focus is on urban infrastructure projects …Course
Community Based Participatory Action ResearchThis is an introductory course for students who want to better understand theories, principles, and methods of community-based participatory action research (CBPAR), which is research done with communities and community partners. CBPAR is a means for …Course
Financial Markets and CrisesIn this course students will learn the fundamentals of financial institutions and markets, along with risk measurement and management. Through readings, lectures, real-world case studies, and assignments, students will gain an understanding of how …Course
Planning Global CitiesThe course takes an interpretative look at the spatial conditions of our rapidly urbanizing world. It focuses on comparisons and contrasts between urban development patterns of cities around the globe, such as New York City, Tokyo, Chengdu, Singapore, …Course
Generative AI in the Public Sector: Use, Responsibility, and RegulationDuring the next few years, generative AI and other forms of artificial intelligence will transform the public sector. They will rapidly increase the productivity of knowledge work, they will expand the types of services governments can offer their …Course
Community Equity and Wealth BuildingThis course introduces graduate students to the field of community wealth-building and the movement for a solidarity economy. Students will examine the role of public policy in shaping racial inequality in the U.S.; ways that community groups have …Course
Advanced GIS: Interactive Web Mapping and Spatial Data VisualizationStudents will learn the fundamentals of web development with HTML, CSS, and Javascript, and github. Using Free and Open Source Spatial Data tools, students will learn to bring their maps to life on the web as interactive experiences. Use tools like …