Approach to Leadership DevelopmentLeadership in Action at Wagner creates collaborative learning environments for leaders to think critically about their work, tackle complex and provocative issues, share their unique insight, and learn from other dynamic and accomplished individuals. …
Meeting the Challenge of Diabetes in ChinaChina’s estimated 114 million people with diabetes pose a massive challenge for China’s health policy-makers who have significantly extended health insurance coverage over the past decade. What China is doing now, what it has achieved, and what remains to …
PNP - SI3 - ChecksheetMPA-PNP: SOCIAL IMPACT, INNOVATION, and INVESTMENT (SIII) I. DEGREE CORE REQUIREMENTS [15 CREDITS] Students must complete or waive the following courses: … II. SPECIALIZATION REQUIREMENTS [9 credits] Students must complete the following courses: … …
Co-Producing Knowledge: Practitioners and Scholars Working Together to Understand Leadership.The Ford Foundation, the Washington D.C. based Advocacy Institute and the Robert F. Wagner Graduate School of Public Service at New York University are partners in a new leadership awards program called Leadership for a Changing World (LCW). The goal of …
Teaching MaterialOverview There is a wealth of material available online re: teaching ethics, and a there are also many useful resources on teaching about the federal regulations and IRB system. In this section, we have collected resources in both of these areas. Teaching …
Capstone Projects
ANALYSIS OF PROGRAM EFFECTIVENESSThe Uganda Village Project (UVP) is a nonprofit organization that facilitates community health projects in rural Uganda by partnering with existing health infrastructure to provide education and preventative services for malaria, HIV/AIDS, water, …
Alumni In Action
Nupur ChaudhuryWhy did you choose Wagner for graduate school? I chose Wagner for its unique approach to urban planning. Wagner houses their planning program in a School of Public Service, not in a school of architecture. I had a clear vision of how I wanted to be of …
Capstone Projects
Improving Quality and Utilization of Outpatient Rehabilitation Services"Lutheran HealthCare has embarked on a strategic plan to expand its rehabilitation services. A primary goal is to improve the referral rate from Lutheran Medical Center to Lutheran Family Health Centers' outpatient rehabilitation centers, promoting …
Capstone Projects
Effective Food Security Interventions: Reducing Household Hunger and Increasing Year-Round Access to FoodThe Hunger Project (THP) is a New York-based nonprofit organization that has operated in Africa for more than 20 years. Its mission is to end hunger and poverty by pioneering and advocating sustainable, grassroots, women-centered strategies. Using …
Alumni In Action
Bryan PerlmutterWhy did you choose NYU Wagner for graduate school? Growing up and living my life in North Carolina as an organizer and being a part of starting nonprofit organizations such as the Southern Vision Alliance, I learned about how to build organization and …
Health & WellnessYour health and wellness at NYU Wagner is important and pertinent to your student success. NYU offers a range of resources and information to assist you. STUDENT HEALTH CENTER (SHC) The Student Health Center (SHC) at NYU offers a range of medical …
Capstone Projects
Solar energy market analysis - identifying opportunities for expansionSTG International is a nonprofit organization focused on bringing sustainable energy technologies to communities in the developing world. Through a co-generation platform called “Solar ORC,” STG has built solar technology capable of providing reliable and …
Student Op-Ed: "I Didn't Vote. It's Not My Fault Though."For the last year, NYU Wagner has run a writing workshop in the Intro to Public Policy course recitation with a goal of giving all Wagner students some instruction in writing best practices. For their first assignment, all students in the class learn how …
Capstone Projects
CREATING AN ACTIONABLE PLAN TO LOWER MUNICIPAL EMISSIONS The Village of Ardsley is a small municipality in Westchester County serving a population of just over 5,000 people. The Village seeks to reduce its environmental impact by lowering the emissions produced by its municipal transportation fleet without …
Capstone Projects
Nursing professional development: recommendations for organizational successThe Hospital for Special Surgery (HSS) is a world-renowned specialty hospital and a nationally-ranked leader in orthopedic and rheumatologic care. HSS stakeholders recognize that continuing education and professional development for nurses are essential …
‘‘Do Something’’ Politics and Double-Peaked Policy PreferencesWhen a public problem is perceived to be poorly addressed by current policy, it is often the case that credible alternative policies are proposed to both the status quo’s left and right. Specially designed national surveys show that in circumstances like …
Capstone Projects
STRATEGIES FOR CANNABIS INDUSTRY INVESTMENT The Office of the Mayor of Trenton enlisted a team to help the city take advantage of New Jersey’s legalization of recreational cannabis in November 2020. The city’s goal was to understand the cannabis industry’s impacts on a majority-minority city facing …
How New York Housing Policies Are Different -- and Maybe WhyAlmost everyone says New York City is exceptional, and many people think that housing is one of the most exceptional aspects of New York life. But New York’s housing conditions are not so different from those in other large US cities, or at least not in …
From services to activism: How Latino day laborers and domestic workers are advocating for themselvesFor over a decade, Gustavo Torres and CASA of Maryland have been working with day laborers, tenants and domestic workers to fight and advocate for themselves. The organization responds to the growing phenomenon of immigrants working as temporary laborers, …
Coalition of African, Asian, European and Latino Immigrants of IllinoisDale Asis and his colleagues have built a remarkable 19-member coalition in the wake of the 1996 federal immigration policy reforms. Cohesion now exists in a community where immigrant groups once worked in isolation. This includes a shared approach to …
Psychological mediating factors in an intervention to promote adolescent health care-seekingSome of the highest rates of curable sexually transmitted diseases in the USA are found among adolescents. Routine, comprehensive health care that includes a sexual history may contribute to alleviating this problem. We designed and ran a three-session …
Managing TradeoffsAchieving both profitability and strong social performance is the ultimate promise of microfinance. It is not impossible, but neither is it easy and few microlenders are there yet. Ten years ago it had been hoped that achieving both goals would simply be …
International students build connection and community with the new WISS Buddy ProgramThe Wagner International Student Society (WISS) is a student organization representing the international student body at Wagner. It aims to foster strong ties within the international student community and works to address and promote international …
Alumni In Action
Leticia M. RipaldaHow did your Wagner experience prepare you professionally for what you are doing today? Wagner made me into a well-rounded professional in a variety of ways. Case discussions prepared me to confront essential issues and to evaluate potential outcomes …