Composing Your CareerThroughout this four-session workshop, students will use their experiences and education as the context for a series of career-related analyses based on the following four lenses: Issue, System, Organization, and Role. All discussions will be brought back …Course
Communication Skills for Policy AnalystsOpen only to students in the MSPP program. Communication Skills for Policy Analysts is a seminar course that simulates a fast-paced public policy environment where different stakeholders require a constant flow of written and oral communication work …Course
Management and Leadership (undergraduate)Management and Leadership is designed to empower you with the skills you will need to make meaningful change in the world—whether you care about bike lanes, criminal justice, prenatal care, community development, urban planning, social investment, or …Course
Building Effective TeamsThis two-day course is designed to develop your ability to build, lead, and participate in high-performing teams. We will draw from the fields of psychology, management, strategy, and sociology to discuss best practices for designing, launching, …Course
Policy and Data StudioOpen only to students in the MSPP program. Policy and Data Studio builds on the core courses, your advanced coursework, and is specifically meant to deepen your data and data analytic skills, in the content of a policy issue. Studio is a unique end event …Course
Introduction to Social ImpactIn an interconnected and rapidly evolving world, the concept of social impact has become central to addressing the most pressing challenges of our time. This course introduces students to the fundamentals of creating and evaluating social change through …Course
Principles of Human Resources Management for Healthcare OrganizationsThis course is designed to study the essential role of human resources management within healthcare organizations. It is required for health management students and recommended for health policy and finance students. In order to meet the challenges of the …Course
Program Development and Management for International OrganizationsThis course examines the inner workings of successful international public service projects and gives students the opportunity to design one or more themselves. Students will then study the characteristics of effective programs, which bring together a …Course
Capstone: Advanced Research Projects in Quantitative Analysis I Couples with CAP-GP.3149 . As part of the core curriculum of the NYU Wagner Masters program, Capstone teams spend an academic year conducting research on a pressing social question. Wagner's Capstone program provides students with a centerpiece of their …Course
Multi-Faith Leadership in the 21st CenturyIn the context of an increasingly polarized American society, this course seeks to train students to mobilize diverse faith communities together for the greater good. Unleashing the power of their own story, students will articulate their values and …Course
Professional WritingThis short, non-credit class aims to give students an overview of the key elements of successful writing, and equip them with the tools to approach any writing assignment, from memos to emails to reports to research briefs. This class is designed to be a …Stories
#MyWagnerLife: Takiema Bunche Smith (EMPA) TODAY! Follow @connect4mation (Takiema Bunche Smith, EMPA student) as she live tweets about her #MyWagnerLife ! — NYU Wagner (@NYUWagner) April 1, 2016 I'm all settled in this special place and ready to live tweet …
Applied Policy AnalysisOpen only to students in the MSPP program. This course will provide students with an opportunity to engage in policy analysis in situations that mimic the real world practice of the craft of policy analysis. In practice, policy analysis requires drawing …Course
Financial ManagementIn this core course in financial management, students will learn the fundamentals of budgeting and accounting for public, health, and nonprofit organizations. Through readings, lectures, real-world case studies, and assignments, students will gain an …Course
Land Use, Housing and Community Development in New York City SeminarThis interdisciplinary seminar brings together law, urban planning and public policy students to analyze historic and current trends in affordable housing, community development, land use, and housing finance. We use New York City as a laboratory that is …Course
Introduction to Public PolicyIntroduction to Public Policy covers a wide range of topics, from the norms and values informing democratic policymaking to the basics of cost-benefit and other tools of policy analysis. Though emphases will differ based on instructor strengths, all …Course
Conflict Management and Negotiation (EMPA)The public/nonprofit administrator, whether primarily concerned with management, policy or finance, is called upon to manage or becomes involved in a wide variety of conflicts. Conflict is ubiquitous - within and between organizations and agencies, …Course
Social Entrepreneurship and InnovationThis course provides an in-depth exploration of social entrepreneurship and innovation as a set of promising pathways to drive social change across sectors using a systems-led approach. Students will delve into understanding complex social and …Course
Design Thinking: A Creative Approach to Problem Solving and Creating ImpactThe word "design" has traditionally been used to describe the visual aesthetics of objects such as books, websites, products, interiors, architecture, and fashion. But increasingly, the definition of design has expanded to include not just artifacts but …Course
Financial Decision Making and ManagementThe goal of this course to is help Executive MPA students learn financial tools to apply to decision-making within mission-driven and governmental organizations. Designed for the experienced mid-career general manager of a nonprofit, governmental, or …Course
Impact InvestingThis course provides an introduction to the impact investing landscape and its evolution, players, and tools. After situating impact investing vis à vis both other forms of investing and other social change tools, we explore what makes an investment …Course
Public-Private Partnerships, Public Spaces, Politics, & the PressThis course examines the special mix of tools, tactics, theories and trends that shape and transform cities. It will be grounded in case studies that look at both successful and unsuccessful urban revitalization strategies in places ranging from Times …Course
Communications and Branding for Nonprofits (EMPA)An organization’s brand can help it raise money, create change, and recruit participants as it effectively communicates its mission. But a brand is more than just a logo or a memorized elevator pitch, it is the way both internal and external audiences …Course
Communications and Branding for NonprofitsAn organization’s brand can help it raise money, create change, and recruit participants as it effectively communicates its mission. But a brand is more than just a logo or a memorized elevator pitch, it is the way both internal and external audiences …