When you’re choosing a program, a faculty's interests can be an important deciding factor. At NYU Wagner, we are an active, accessible, and engaged faculty. We are as dedicated to making a difference in our fields as we are to our students.

Leanna Stiefel

Professor of Economics; Director Education and Social Policy Masters Program

Daniel B. Neill

Professor of Computer Science and Public Service, NYU Wagner; Professor of Computer Science and Public Service, NYU Courant; Professor of Urban Analytics, NYU Center for Urban Science and Progress

Salo Vinocur Coslovsky

Associate Professor of Urban Planning and Public Service

Patricia Satterstrom

Assistant Professor of Public Service

Thom Blaylock

Clinical Professor of Public Service

Thad Calabrese

Professor of Public and Nonprofit Financial Management; Director of Finance Specialization

Ingrid Gould Ellen

Paulette Goddard Professor of Urban Policy and Planning, Director for Furman Center for Real Estate and Urban Policy

John Billings

Professor of Health Policy and Public Service

Zhan Guo

Associate Professor of Urban Planning and Transportation Policy

Ellen Schall

Martin Cherkasky Professor of Health Policy & Management

Thomas D'Aunno

Professor of Management

Travis St. Clair

Associate Professor of Financial Management and Public Service

Vanessa L. Deane

Assistant Clinical Professor of Urban Planning & Public Service | Director of Urban Planning

Michael West

Adjunct Professor of Public Service

Lauren Stackpoole

Adjunct Assistant Professor of Public Service

Scott Martin

Adjunct Assistant Professor of Public Service

Andrew Tsui

Lecturer of Health Administration

Leon Hovsepian III

Adjunct Associate Professor of Urban Planning

Julius Wool

Adjunct Assistant Professor of Public Service

Renata Howland

Adjunct Assistant Professor of Public Service

Rebecca Hamburger Kellogg

Assistant Professor of Public Administration

Todd Stallings

Lecturer of Health Administration

Neil Britto

Adjunct Assistant Professor of Public Service

JT Thazhathel

Adjunct Assistant Professor of Health Administration
Displaying 25 - 48 of 311