FAQs: Centers & Institutes

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If I am not currently working full-time for a public service organization, can I still apply to the Fellowship for Emerging Leaders in Public Service?

You must be working full-time in a paid public service position in the New York City area to apply for FELPS and must remain in a public service position throughout the fellowship. Unfortunately, internships and part-time work do not qualify.

What is the Financial Access Initiative?

The Financial Access Initiative (FAI) is a research center based at NYU Wagner focused on substantially expanding access to quality financial services for low-income individuals. The Initiative aims to provide rigorous research on the impacts of financial access and on innovative ways to improve access.

What is the Center for Global Public Service and Social Impact

The NYUAD Center for Global Public Service and Social Impact is designed to support the entrepreneurial, effective, and efficient production of public value by governments, nongovernmental organizations, and private social ventures. It is built upon a broad commitment toward creating the highest quality of life around the globe.

For the Fellowship for Emerging Leaders in Public Service, who should write my recommendation and how long should it be? What do you look for in a recommendation letter?

Your current direct supervisor must write your recommendation. Recommendations from professors, previous supervisors or someone in a role other than that of your direct supervisor are not accepted. We understand that you may be new to a position and we take that into consideration when reading your recommendation.