FAQs: Doctoral Program

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What fields of study are available at Wagner?

The Doctoral Program has the following established fields of study:

  • Public Finance and Financial Management
  • Public Policy
  • Management
  • Health Policy
  • Urban Policy
  • Education Policy
  • International Development
  • Customized

What are the Doctoral Program requirements?

Successful completion of the doctoral degree requires 72 academic course credits with a B+ or better average, completion and passing of the Preliminary Qualifying Examination, completion and passing of two comprehensive exams, a third year research paper, and a completed dissertation.


Can I transfer credits from other graduate-level work toward my doctoral degree?

Credit toward the degree for courses taken at other institutions may be awarded under certain conditions and must be approved by one's faculty advisor and the Director of the Doctoral Program. Decisions regarding transfer credits are not made prior to matriculation and are based on the relevancy of the coursework and on the student's performance in the class.

How can I tell if I am a good fit for the Wagner PhD Program?

The Wagner PhD Program prepares students for careers in research. You should be confident that you are interested in pursuing such a career. As a potential applicant, you should carefully consider both the course requirements and the fields of concentration offered by the program to see if they provide preparation in your areas of interest.

How can I learn about the Wagner PhD Program?

The best way to begin learning about the PhD Program is to browse the website, which contains complete information about the PhD Program's academic policies, admissions procedures, degree requirements, fields of study and program resources, as well as information about the NYU Wagner