What if I have an idea for a Capstone project?

If you know of a prospective client interested in proposing a Capstone project, please refer them to the Capstone employer webpage, which provides background information and instructions for applying to the program. The client must go through the formal request for proposal (RFP) process, which entails online submission of the proposal form and acknowledgment of having read and agreeing to the Employer Capstone FAQs.

If you are interested in recruiting your own Capstone team and client, you should make every effort to attend the client recruitment panel discussion held in early February of the academic year preceding Capstone and begin recruitment shortly thereafter. Once in the process of forming a team and recruiting a client, you should email wagner.capstone@nyu.edu with your team and prospective client information. You should instruct any prospective client to write and submit a proposal through the online RFP process and to provide your team members’ names in the appropriate field in the application form.

Please note that all submitted proposals are reviewed by administration and Capstone faculty, and there is no absolute guarantee that a submitted project will be selected. Also note that students may not work on a project for their employer or internship organization.