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Student Spotlight: Tiffany Rose Miller (MPA-PNP)

Tiffany Rose Miller (MPA-PNP) works as a national security Intern for a US Federal Government intelligence agency. Get to know her experiences at NYU Wagner and how she got into the government intelligence field. 


On Tuesday, October 27, one week before the end of the 2020 election, Wagner Womxn hosted WOMXN + POLITICS, a panel discussion on the unique experiences of womxn in all aspects of the political sphere.

COVID-19 Series: NYU Wagner Alumni in Action - Social Services

The “COVID-19 Series: NYU Wagner Alumni in Action” continued on Thursday, October 22 with its second event in a four-part series. The panel discussion featured Wagner alumni working in the field of social services, focusing on how their organizations have responded to the pandemic.

Identity and Diversity in Public Service: The Personal, Professional, and Political

Martha Stark, Clinical Professor of Public Service and Chair of Wagner’s Faculty Diversity Committee, and Erica Foldy, Associate Professor of Public Policy and co-author of "The Color Bind: Talking (and Not Talking) About Race at Work engaged in an intimate discussion on how identity impacts how we navigate through life and our roles as leaders in public service.