Faculty Experts for Media
Topics in the News
Affirmative Action: Domingo Morel
Climate Change:
Vanessa Deane, Natasha Iskander
Financial Insecurity: Jonathan Morduch
Migration and Immigration: Natasha Iskander
NYC Transportation:
Mitchell Moss, Sarah Kaufman
To speak with a faculty member, contact media relations director Robert Polner at 212.998.2337 or robert.polner@nyu.edu.
- Budgets, Debt, and Pensions: Thad Calabrese
- Finance and Taxes: Martha Stark
- Homeless Services: Kathy O'Regan
- Low Income Housing, Historic Districts, Gentrification: Ingrid Gould Ellen, Kathy O'Regan
- New Infrastructure, Urban Planning: Mitchell Moss
- K-12 Education: Leanna Stiefel
- Migration and Immigration: Natasha Iskander
- Mobility, Parking, Zoning: Zhan Guo
- Nonprofits: Judy Pryor-Ramirez
- Segregation: Jacob William Faber
- Subways: Zhan Guo
- Transportation: Mitchell Moss
- Affirmative Action: Domingo Morel
- K-12 Education, Charter Schools: Leanna Stiefel
- Organizational Leadership and Professional Development: Judy Pryor-Ramirez
- Special Education Mainstreaming, Small High Schools, Bullying: Leanna Stiefel
- Schools and Neighborhood Impacts: Ingrid Gould Ellen
- School District Governance: Domingo Morel
- Benefits, Pensions & Retirement: Sewin Chan
- Check Cashing Outlets and Subprime Loans: Jacob Faber
- Consumer Credit Behavior: Sewin Chan
- Financial Insecurity: Jonathan Morduch
- Government Contracts with Nonprofits: Thad Calabrese
- Mortgages and Housing Market Risk: Sewin Chan
- Public Sector Borrowing and Operating Costs: Thad Calabrese
- Public Sector Fringe Benefits: Thad Calabrese
- Social Innovation & Impact Investing: Andrea Armeni
- Access to Prenatal and Postpartum Care: Laura Wherry
- Affordable Care Act: Sherry Glied
- Aging Populations in Major Cities: Jacob Victory
- Big Data: John Billings
- Emergency Room Use: John Billings
- Healthcare Management:
Tom D’Aunno
Carla Sampson - Medicaid: John Billings, Laura Wherry
- Medicare: Jacob Victory
- Mental Health Policy: Sherry Glied
- Obesity Interventions: Brian Elbel
- Opioid Crisis: Tom D’Aunno
- Public Health & Predictive Modeling: Daniel B. Neill
- Substance Abuse Treatment: Tom D’Aunno
- Home Foreclosures: Sewin Chan
- Low Income Housing: Ingrid Gould Ellen
- Mortgage Crisis: Ingrid Gould Ellen
- Neighborhoods & Crime: Ingrid Gould Ellen
- Parking: Zhan Guo
- Pedestrians: Zhan Guo
- Public Housing: Kathy O’Regan
- Segregation: Jacob William Faber
- Seniors/Disabled: Sewin Chan
- Subways & Public Transit: Zhan Guo
- Diversity in the Workplace: Erica Foldy
- Race & Inequality in Cities:
Jacob Faber
Ingrid Gould Ellen
Kathy O’Regan - Race Relations: Erica Foldy
- Workplace Culture: Erica Foldy
- Gentrification:
Kathy O’Regan
Ingrid Gould Ellen
- Nonprofit Governance & Management:
Jamie Levine Daniel
Judy Pryor-Ramirez - Social Services: Judy Pryor-Ramirez
- Big Data: Daniel B. Neill
- Policing & Predictive Modeling: Daniel B. Neill
- State Politics & Lawmaking: Travis St. Clair
- Brazil (Economic Development & Public Sector): Salo Coslovsky
- China (Transportation): Zhan Guo
- Latin America and the Caribbean (Natural Disasters): Vanessa Deane
- East & Southeast Asia (US Foreign Policy): John Gershman
- Philippines (Human Rights & Development): John Gershman
- Birth Rates: Rajeev Dehejia
- Climate Change:
Natasha Iskander
Vanessa Deane - Development, Economic Reform & Decentralization:
Paul Smoke
John Gershman - Environmental Regulation: Salo Coslovsky
- Food Security: John Gershman
- Foreign Aid: John Gershman
- Globalization/Trade Wars: Salo Coslovsky
- Migration and Immigration: Natasha Iskander
- Labor Rights & Child Labor: Rajeev Dehejia
- Microfinance & Microcredit:
Rajeev Dehejia
Jonathan Morduch - Poverty: Jonathan Morduch