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Alumni in Action: Building the Future of New York City

Alumna Angela Sung discusses her work at the Real Estate Board of New York, and how NYU Wagner helped her get there.

Can Dying Cities Be Saved?

Professor Beth Weitzman evaluates the findings of a study on five distressed cities to determine if children's health and safety could be improved.

Capstone: Measuring Youth Perception of Global Citizenship and Identity

Student Erica Waples outlines her learning experiences working for the Education Development Center for her Capstone project.

Capstone: Revisioning Fourth Avenue in Brooklyn

Students Martha Kenton and Noah Levine describe their proposal to the Brooklyn Borough President to improve safety at a major thoroughfare.

Capstone: Improving NYU Hospital Center's End-of-Life Care

Student Amirav Davy and Bob Press from NYU Hospital Center describe how the Capstone project compared NYUHC's end-of-life care to other providers.

Alumni in Action: Cynthia Freeman (MPA 2005)

Alumna Cynthia Freeman describes how Wagner helped take her career to the next level.

Composing Your Career: The Tracks Exercise

How to create a clear sense of direction in your job search.

Composing Your Career: S.E.E. Strategies

How to create a smart, experienced, and engaged career planning strategy.

Composing Your Career: Introduction

Assistant Dean David Schachter offers an overview of a successful way to plan a successful public service career.

Cody Keenan: NYU Wagner 2015 Convocation

Cody Keenan, President Obama's Chief Speechwriter, addresses NYU Wagner's graduating students at the 2015 Convocation.

EMPA: A Career-Changing Degree for Seasoned Leaders

EMPA alumni and faculty discuss how the rigorous program hones skills, expands networks, and transforms careers.

Composing Your Career: What Employers Look F.O.R

A successful job search means understanding the field, organization, and role to which you're applying.

WAGTalk: Zhan Guo, "The Hidden Regulations Behind Streets"

Professor Zhan Guo presents his research on how suburban parking policies affect car ownership, traffic, and housing affordability.

Who Are the Policy Workers and What Are They Doing?

Dall Forsythe | Why is New York City's financial crisis in the 1970s important?

Dall Forsythe discusses the fiscal crisis of New York City from 1975-1978 and the impact it continues to have today.

Perspectives on the Shifting US Health Landscape

WAGTalk: Ingrid Gould Ellen, “Preserving History or Hindering Progress”

Professor Ingrid Gould Ellen sheds light on the debate around preserving historic neighborhoods.

WAGTalk: John Billings, “Improving Care for High Cost/High Risk Patients”

Professor John Billings presents research that aims to identify and improve care for high cost/high risk Medicaid patients.

WAGTalk: Jonathan Morduch, "The U.S. Financial Diaries"

Professor Jonathan Morduch discusses his US Financial Diaries project, and how public policy can create greater financial stability for struggling households.

NYU 2014 Commencement Student Speaker: Corey Blay

MPA-MBA student Corey Blay delivers the student speech at NYU's 2014 Commencement.

Who Is at Risk with Healthcare Reform?

Dean Sherry Glied presents the three groups that are at risk with the new healthcare reform law.

Is the Consumerization of Healthcare Set Up for Failure?

Dean Sherry Glied explains how consumerism, greater transparency, and more information in the healthcare industry are changing patient-practioner relationships.

Access and Cost: What the US Can Learn from Other Countries about Healthcare

Professor Victor Rodwin testifies at the Senate Subcommittee on Primary Health and Aging on how the US healthcare system compares to other countries.

The Color Bind: Talking and Not Talking About Race at Work

Professor Erica Foldy and her co-author discuss their new book, The Color Bind: Talking and Not Talking about Race.

NYU's Furman Center receives the Empire Award for Leadership in Affordable Housing

Upon receiving the Empire Award for Leadership in Affordable Housing, Co-Directors Professor Ingrid Ellen and Vicki L. Been describe the Furman Center's impact.

Religion and Public Policy in America Today

Professor David Elcott describes his personal connection to immigration reform, and the interplay between religion and public policy in the US.

What is a Government Ill-Executed?

Professor Paul Light introduces his book, "A Government Ill Executed," which critiques the federal government's failings.

Does Subsidized Housing Improve Communities?

Professor Ingrid Gould Ellen's research demonstrates that housing subsidies improve communities—not just individual households.

How Do Federal Affordable Housing Policies Affect Low-Income Neighborhoods?

Professor Kathy O'Regan's research analyzes how housing policies affect the quality of a neighborhood.

The Process and Politics of Central Government Decentralization in Developing Countries

Professor Paul Smoke discusses why some countries decentralize and how it affects their economic development.