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Why Do Immigrant Children Perform Better in School?

Professor Leanna Stiefel explains her research on the determinants that impact children's education outcomes.

What Greater Role Can Evidence-Based Management Play in Healthcare?

Professor Anthony Kovner explains how evidence-based management facilitates better healthcare.

Is Microlending the Solution to Global Poverty?

Professor Jonathan Morduch assesses how microlending is contributing to the alleviation of global poverty.

The Capstone Program

Assistant Dean David Schachter explains the impact that NYU Wagner's Capstone Program has on nonprofit, government, and private sector companies.

How Does Leadership Happen?

Professor Sonia Ospina explains the processes and qualities that make a good leader.

The Greatest Grid: The Master Plan of Manhattan, 1811-2011

Professor Hilary Ballon explains the planning and implementation of Manhattan's grid system.

How Does NYC Healthcare Compare to Other World Cities?

Professor Victor Rodwin presents his research comparing health policy, health systems, and health outcomes across cities.

The US Financial Diaries Project (Part 2)

With more people than ever living under the poverty line, Professor Jonathan Morduch's project aims to better understand the conditions of poverty.

The US Financial Diaries Project (Part 1)

Professor Jonathan Murdoch presents a project that explores the financial decisions of low-income families.

How Do Organizations Reframe Issues to Reach Constituencies?

Professor Erica Gabrielle Foldy explores how social change organizations deliberately frame the issue on which they work, as well as the constituency for whom they serve, to increase support.

Is there a tradeoff between unity and diversity?

Professor Erica Foldy discusses the ongoing tension between unity and diversity and the benefits of creating connections through differences.

What Enables Teams of Social Workers to be More Effective?

Professor Erica Foldy explains how the characteristics of a social work team can enhance or hinder effectiveness.

How Does Power Shape Our Perception?

Professor Joe Magee describes his research on how power affects one's ability to consider others' points of view and opinions, using Hurricane Katrina as a case study.

Alumni in Action: Dominique West (MPA 2008)

Alumna Dominique West describes how the Wagner network continues to help her throughout her career.

How Do Social Change Organizations Shape People's Understanding?

How Can Major Cities Reduce Automobile Congestion and Pollution?

Professor Zhan Guo talks about his research on public transit, pedestrian planning, and parking zoning.

Capstone Client: Village of Ossining, Westchester County Department of Planning

Capstone: The Bahvishya Alliance

Student Tara Noronha discusses her Capstone project working for the Bahavishya Alliance, which empowers girls in India.

Furman Center Receives MacArthur Award for Creative and Effective Institutions

The Furman Center's impactful research works to improve cities through rigorous research and data analysis.