The Rules of the Intergovernmental Game in East Asia: Comparing Decentralization Frameworks and ProcessesAlthough political forces have largely driven decentralization in East Asia and most countries face similar reform challenges, their decentralization experiences are far from uniform. Countries have adopted different intergovernmental structures, …
NYU Wagner Honors 410 Graduating Students at Convocation 2015… President of New York University, followed with a message about the defining role Wagner graduates play in public …
Capstone Projects
Inputs to Development: How the Millennium Development Goals Affect Nonprofit ResourcesA set of eight global priorities to eradicate extreme poverty, the United Nations Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) were met with great optimism in 2000. While many studies have examined developmental progress in the intervening 15 years, how much of …
Alumni In Action
Luciana Mermet… Tell us about your current public service work. Can you briefly … to study at Wagner? Despite feeling extremely passionate about my job while working at the Ministry of Economy in my … and tremendously enjoyed and the chances to learn more about issues of interest, such as the human development …
PHD Application Checklist… degree(s) earned. We encourage you to include information about the following additional activities: Academic and … the program each year? Admission is typically offered to about 8-10 students in an effort to have an entering cohort … visits in the spring. When can I expect to hear back about my application? Applicants are typically notified of …
Environmental and individual factors affecting menu labeling utilization: a qualitative research study… and time constraints, confusion and lack of understanding about caloric values, as well as the priority of preference, …
Estimating the Intergenerational Persistence of Lifetime Earnings with Life Course Matching: Evidence from the PSID Why do estimates of the intergenerational persistence in earnings vary so much for the United States? Recent research suggests that lifecycle bias may be a major factor [Grawe, N., Lifecycle bias in estimates of intergenerational earnings persistence. …
Certificates & Non-Degree Programs… enrolled in a Wagner master's degree program. Learn about admissions requirements NON-DEGREE PROGRAM Our …
Capstone Projects
Localization of 2030 Agenda for Sustainable DevelopmentPart of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, the September 2015 adoption of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) is evidence of global commitment to sustainable development and provides a platform for action. As much of the attention on the …
#MyWagnerLife: Bernard Ortega (MPA-HPAM)… and impressive background as a veteran, can you tell us about your journey to #NYUWagner ? #MyWagnerLife — NYU Wagner … 2015 . @_BernardOrtega : What is your favorite thing about the #NYUWagner community? #MyWagnerLife — NYU Wagner …
Professor Coslovsky leads research to boost exports of forest-friendly products from the Brazilian Amazon … but products from the Brazilian Amazon only comprise about 0.17% of the total. According to preliminary research …
Renting in America’s Largest CitiesThe supply of affordable rental housing failed to keep pace with demand in the 11 largest U.S. cities while rents rose faster than household incomes in five of the them. The NYU Furman Center/Capital One National Affordable Housing Landscape examines …
Women of Color in New York City: The Challenges of the New Global EconomyThe first Status of Women of Color Report originated out of the need to provide data and research focusing on women of color. By drawing attention to the trends seen in income, unemployment, welfare, and incarceration for women of color in New York city , …
Budget Slack, Institutions, and Transparency.Economic theory suggests that it is optimal for governments to use precautionary saving as a countercyclical tool. However, the availability of surplus funds often triggers political pressure for tax cuts and spending increases. Mechanisms for alleviating …
Rudin Projector Guide BEFORE THE MEETING Borrow needed supplies from the front desk on the 2nd Floor. (Available: laptop, Mac Adapter (thunderbolt connector), presentation clicker.) To Lower the projector screen, enter through the door opposite to the cafe and press the the …
2021 AWARDS & DISTINCTIONS… Ralic-Moore (MPA-PNP) Emily Ralic-Moore is passionate about improving the lives of women and girls around the … organizations. As a student, she learned in-depth about the policy side of healthcare and disparities. With her … and equitable communities. As a student, she learned about economic development, transportation policy, and land …
Mayors Across America Draft Urban Future Plans at Smart Cities Institute, a New Convening Hub Created by NYU Wagner and the US Conference of Mayors… Kleiman. “The Institute creates a rare safe space to learn about new approaches, test them out, and draft an ambitious … cities” sounds like waving a magic wand and bringing about cost savings and improved efficiency. But effective use …
Alumni In Action
Alice Wong… Can you tell us a bit about your job responsibilities? As Chief of Staff, I serve …
Replicating Microfinance in the United States: Opportunities and ChallengesMicrofinance was pioneered in the developing world as the lending of small amounts of money to entrepreneurs who lacked the kinds of credentials and collateral demanded by banks. Similar practices spread from the developing to the developed world, …
Uses and Abuses of Value Capture for TransitWith the New York State Fiscal Year 2019 Executive Budget proposal to include a “value capture” mechanism for financing transit, an obscure and highly technical subject suddenly has generated considerable attention. This report explores the purpose of, …
Alumni In Action
Peter Grace… Tell us about your current public service work. Can you briefly … families and others committed to sharing, learning about, and celebrating Jewish and Christian traditions. … my second year at Wagner, and in the process learn more about her research in area of affordable housing and …
Capstone Projects
INSTITUTIONS IN TANZANIAThe United Nations Capital Development Fund (UNCDF), the UN’s capital investment agency for the least developed countries, offers “last mile” finance models that unlock public and private resources to reduce poverty and support local economic development. …
Design Thinking: A Creative Approach to Problem Solving and Creating ImpactThe word "design" has traditionally been used to describe the visual aesthetics of objects such as books, websites, products, interiors, architecture, and fashion. But increasingly, the definition of design has expanded to include not just artifacts but …Alumni In Action
Becky BavingerHow would you describe your experience as a Wagner student? Smart. Experienced. Engaged. Reflective. Obviously I'm borrowing that from Assistant Dean David Schachter, but it's quite apropos. At Wagner I was smart enough to take courses that interested me …