A critical Review of Race and Ethnicity in the Leadership Literature: Surfacing Context, Power and the Collective Dimensions of Leadership.Leadership studies focusing on race–ethnicity provide particularly rich contexts to illuminate the human condition as it pertains to leadership. Yet insights about the leadership experience of people of color from context-rich research within education, …
"Portfolios of the Poor," co-authored by Prof. Jonathan Morduch, Helped Inspire a New App to Address Income Volatility: NY Times Magazine“Want A Steady Income? There’s an App for That,” a piece published Sunday, May 3, in The New York Times Magazine , focuses on a Silicon Valley app-in-development partly inspired by Portfolios of the Poor: How the World’s Poor Live on $2 a Day , the …
The Racialized Costs of “Traditional” Banking in Segregated America: Evidence from Entry-Level Checking AccountsA growing body of evidence shows that America’s racial geography shapes access to basic financial services (e.g. banking), highlighting a mechanism connecting segregation to economic vulnerability: spatially organized institutional marginalization.s While …
Alumni In Action
Maha AlDhaheriHow did your Wagner experience prepare you professionally for what you are doing today? I specialized in MUP's International Development Planning, and a lot of the most important lessons that stuck with me were reflections from my NYU Wagner professors …
Capstone Projects
9/11: The Response to the World Trade Center AttacksThis research paper compared the experiences of recipients and non-recipients of aid from the World Trade Center (WTC) attacks on September 11, 2001. It hypothesized that there are distinct patterns of aid and exclusion from aid that help to clearly …
MPA-MBAMBA-MPA students can "double count" some coursework between degrees. Your MBA coursework will reduce the total number of credits you need for the MPA to 33 (from the standard 45), and your MPA coursework will reduce the total number of credits needed for …
BS-MUP APPLICATION CHECKLISTFill out your online application. Students must enroll in the dual-degree program while they are still matriculated in their bachelor’s program, and they must formally apply to NYU Wagner during their senior year. Apply during the Spring or Fall intake. …
The Academic Effects of Chronic Exposure to Neighborhood ViolenceThis paper estimates the causal effect of repeated exposure to violent crime on test scores in New York City. We use two empirical strategies; value-added models linking student performance on standardised exams to violent crimes on students’ residential …
Effect of neighborhood stigma on economic transactionsAlthough previously theorized, virtually no rigorous empirical evidence has demonstrated an impact of neighborhood stigma on individual outcomes. To test for the effects of neighborhood stigma on economic transactions, an experimental audit of an online …
Has falling crime invited gentrification?Since the early 1990s, central city crime has fallen dramatically in the United States. We explore the extent to which this trend may have contributed to gentrification. Using confidential census microdata, we show that reductions in central city violent …
The Hidden Roles That Management Partners Play in Accountable Care OrganizationsValerie A. Lewis, Thomas D'Aunno, Genevra F. Murray, Stephen M. Shortell, Carrie H. Colla … The Hidden Roles That Management Partners Play in Accountable Care …
DNA content in the diagnostic biopsy for benign-adjacent and cancer-tissue areas predicts the need for treatment in men with T1c prostate cancer undergoing surveillance in an expectant management programmeObjective : To assess the DNA content in benign-adjacent and cancer-tissue areas of a diagnostic biopsy, to predict which patients would subsequently develop an unfavourable biopsy necessitating treatment for prostate cancer in the expectant management …
Capstone Projects
The Interplay Between Low-Income Housing and Air Pollution in Urban indiaThe World Bank, an international financial institution, aims to end extreme poverty and foster income growth by providing financial assistance and support to various countries. The World Bank’s New Delhi office engaged a Capstone team to investigate the …
Capstone Projects
Creating a Citywide Planning FrameworkThe New York City Office of the Public Advocate (OPA) is responsible for addressing numerous challenges faced by New Yorkers, including working to build a progressive agenda centered on pressing issues—particularly the feminization of poverty, creating …
Alumni In Action
Bibiana Guerra De Los RiosCan you tell us a bit about your job responsibilities? My responsibilities include: Preparing and monitoring the actions established in the CONPES related to the sector (Circular Economy in the Management of Drinking Water Services and Wastewater …
Financial Support for PhD StudentsNYU RESEARCH APPRENTICESHIPS WITH TUITION REMISSION All Ph.D. students without alternate funding sources are eligible to receive a five-year research apprenticeship, which carries a stipend, health insurance, a $1000 start-up grant, and 100% tuition …
Capstone Projects
Creating a Climate-Neutral OrganizationUnder the leadership of United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, UN agencies and governments have advanced global efforts to combat climate change. The operations of the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) achieved climate neutrality in 2015, five …
Capstone Projects
Impact of Subsidies on Bus Transit System Cost EfficiencyThe Capstone team evaluated the impact of external subsidies on the cost efficiency of bus transit systems in the United States. The work updates previous empirical studies written mainly in the late 1970s and early 1980s that found significant negative …
Does Municipally Subsidized Housing Improve School Quality? Evidence from New York CityProblem: Policymakers and community development practitioners view increasing subsidized owner-occupied housing as a mechanism to improve urban neighborhoods, but little research studies the impact of such investments on community amenities. Purpose: We …
Alumni In Action
Sandra Goldstein“Urban planning and economic development are two of the most stimulating and intellectually satisfying types of work one can do,” says Sandy Goldstein (MS 1998). “And a business improvement district,” she adds, “is an incredible way of helping to create a …
Key Takeaways from the 25th Annual Kovner-Behrman Health ForumThe 25th annual Kovner-Behrman Health Forum provided attendees with the opportunity to hear from an expert panel discussing “The Great Resignation’s” impact on healthcare. The Panel was moderated by Carla Jackie Sampson and featured Anu Ashok (MPA 2004), …
Superstorm Sandy and the Demographics of Flood Risk in New York City.“Superstorm Sandy” brought unprecedented storm surge to New York City neighborhoods and like previous severe weather events exacerbated underlying inequalities in part because socially marginalized populations were concentrated in environmentally exposed …
Military Veterans in Focus at Kovner-Behrman Health Forum The 18th Annual Kovner-Behrman Health Forum at NYU Wagner featured Carolyn Clancy, M.D., Assistant Deputy Undersecretary for Health for Quality, Safety and Value at the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs. In a spirited and informative keynote speech, she …
Low Response Rate Schools in Surveys of Adolescent Risk-Taking Behaviors: Possible Biases, Possible SolutionObjectives. This investigation examined the effectiveness of intensive efforts to include frequently absent students in order to reduce bias in classroom-based studies. Methods. Grade 10 students in 13 New York City high schools (n = 2049) completed self …