Faculty Profile
Leonardo TrasandeLeonardo Trasande, MD, MPP is an internationally renowned leader in children’s environmental health. His research focuses on identifying the role of environmental exposures in childhood obesity and cardiovascular risks, and documenting the economic costs …
Capstone Projects
Mount Sinai Hospital of QueensThe Resident completed a 12-month appointment working with the Chief Operating Officer of New York-Presbyterian/Weill Cornell. In this capacity, the Resident worked on numerous projects in support of major hospital initiatives. While serving as a valuable …
Alumni In Action
Dr. Tony LaingPlease describe your current job duties. I spearhead the longest running voluntary desegregation busing program in the nation. Our program is part of a network of 33 districts in Massachusetts that facilitates opportunities for urban kids to attend …
Health Services Management: Readings and CommentaryManagers of a healthcare organization have numerous demands on their time, their skills, their knowledge, and their budgets. They are responsible for adapting to change, managing their office, making effective decisions, among countless other tasks. This …
Wagner Student Bryan Matthew Recognized for Leadership by NFBPANYU Wagner’s Bryan Matthew (MPA 2025), a current student in the MPA in Public & Nonprofit Management and Policy program has been honored as one of this year's distinguished scholarship recipients by the National Forum for Black Public Administrators …
Capstone Projects
IMPACTS ON HOUSING STABILITYIn 2014, New York City (NYC) adopted its first Universal Prekindergarten (UPK) program, which promises to offer publicly funded pre-kindergarten to all New Yorkers. The Capstone team investigated the impact of NYC’s UPK on housing stability. Studies have …
Low-Income and Low-Skilled Workers' Involvement in Nonstandard EmploymentThe role of alternative work arrangements—temporary help, independent contractors, on-call workers, and contract company workers—has caught the attention of both policymakers and academic researchers alike. Current research indicates that 1 in 10 workers …
Capstone Projects
Strengthening International Policy Initiatives in Transitional JusticeFounded in 2001, the International Center for Transitional Justice (ICTJ) works to redress and prevent the most severe violations of human rights by confronting legacies of mass abuse. This work entails informing international policymakers of best …
Faculty Profile
Chani A. CorderoLieutenant Colonel Chani A. Cordero is the Chief Operating Officer for Presidio of Monterey Health Services she is directly responsible for the day to day operations and improvement of several primary care clinics and responsible for creating patient care …
New York City: IN THE 21st CENTURYThe article reflects on the role of New York City in the 21st century which includes bringing people together with other people to generate the information and products that are then sold around the world. It also presents a brief history of the city in …
Capstone Projects
Best Practices for Human Resources Shared Services in the Federal GovernmentBased in Washington, D.C., Z Street Consulting is a shared services consulting firm for federal government clients. In an era where federal government agencies face increased demands to do more with less, senior administrators seek to reduce management …
Race/Ethnicity-Specific Associations of Urinary Phthalates with Childhood Body Mass in a Nationally Representative SampleBackground : Phthalates have antiandrogenic effects and may disrupt lipid and carbohydrate metabolism. Racial/ethnic subpopulations have been documented to have varying urinary phthalate concentrations and prevalences of childhood obesity. Objective : We …
Beware of Runaway Headline InflationThe latest figures from the US show that the consumer price index rose 0.5% in March, whilst the core personal consumption expenditure price index rose only 0.1%. This column explains the roles of these competing measures and argues that US monetary …
To Restore and Renew: The State of the Federal ServiceThe terrorist attacks on New York and Washington on Sept. 11 reminded the nation just how important the federal public service is in times of crisis. The night after the attacks, President Bush said, "the functions of our government continue without …
Alumni In Action
Brian HarveyWhy did you choose Wagner for graduate school? Working in the health field, I became acutely aware of the systemic challenges facing modern healthcare. In Canada, we face significant access pressures related to chronic illness and demographic trends. But …
Alumni In Action
Jason FranklinHow did being in New York impact your professional journey? Being in NYC was a critical part of my professional journey, from the chance to help design the 9/11 grants program to help arts groups in Lower Manhattan rebuild to the general access to …
Capstone Projects
Analysis of Lice Policies in Indiana Elementary SchoolsThe presence of lice is a public nuisance, the impact of which extends beyond the scalp. Not only can treating lice be costly with treatments ranging from $10 to $100, but also students may miss multiple days of school as a result of strict lice policies, …
Capstone Projects
Promoting Free Tax Preparation Services to Low- and Mid-Income Filers The New York City Department of Consumer Affairs’ Office of Financial Empowerment (OFE) is a local government initiative aimed at helping low-income individuals build assets and maximize their financial resources. Through OFE’s NYC Free Tax Prep program, …
Pediatrician attitudes, clinical activities, and knowledge of environmental health in WisconsinPediatricians can reduce exposures to environmental hazards but most have little training in environmental health. To assess whether Wisconsin pediatricians perceive a relative lack of self-efficacy for common environmental exposures and diseases of …
Alumni In Action
Peter GraceTell us about your current public service work. Can you briefly describe your employment organization and position responsibilities, as well as any relevant volunteer or entrepreneurial activities? After spending three years in the Obama Administration …
Recent Employment Statistics2023 MPA/MUP/MHA Employment Statistics Our graduates work in public and nonprofit management, healthcare, urban planning, policy analysis, public finance, financial management, and international development. In local, national, and international arenas, …
Alumni In Action
Char WoodsWhat made you decide to get an EMPA at Wagner? I was a freelance television producer for more than 25 years, and I decided that I wanted to go back to working for a nonprofit or public organization and that getting a master’s degree would open up a lot of …
Breakeven Analysis for New Programs and VenturesIn recent years, it has become common for physicians to become managers of new programs and ventures. In some cases, the physician is acting as a manager of a large organization, such as a hospital, nursing home, or integrated delivery system. In other …
Government By the People, 2014 Elections and Updates Edition (25th Edition)Government by the People provides a thorough, Constitution-based introduction to the foundational principles, processes, and institutions of American government. Throughout, authors David Magleby, Paul Light, and Christine Nemacheck highlight the central …