Los Angeles The LA Alumni Network invites all Wagner Alumni from the area to join us for happy hours, discussions, programs, and professional development opportunities. This listserv will be used to announce events and opportunities. We look forward to seeing you …
State of New York City's Housing & Neighborhoods in 2015… Rosoff, Traci Sanders, Eric Stern, Michael Suher, Mark A. Willis, and Jessica Yager … State of New York City's Housing …
Residential Segregation by Race—and Widening Inequality Professor Jacob William Faber discusses his research on racial inequality and how he hopes it will change the public conversation about race and public policy. … Residential Segregation by Race—and Widening …
Faculty Profile
Priscilla Thomas KeithPriscilla Thomas Keith has extensive experience in government, pharmaceutical research and clinical trials, health care and public health law and policy, and academia. She started her career as a research scientist studying Alzheimer’s disease and …
Capstone Projects
Examining Crime Resilience in Southeast AsiaThe Global Initiative Against Transnational Organized Crime (the Global Initiative) is a network of over 500 experts dedicated to strategizing against transnational organized crime in the areas of human rights, democracy, governance, and development. The …
Social Entrepreneurship Incubator & PracticumThis course is designed for upper-class undergraduates who have a social innovation project, entrepreneurial business, or CSR idea to develop or implement. Also welcome to the course are students who would like to learn and practice success skills and …Faculty Profile
Danil MakarovDr. Makarov specializes in the treatment of prostate cancer and benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), as well as bladder and kidney cancer. He has first-hand experience in the surgical and medical treatment of prostate cancer. In addition to his clinical …
The Knowledge BankThe urgency of reducing poverty in the developing world has been the subject of a public campaign by such unlikely policy experts as George Clooney, Alicia Keyes, Elton John, Angelina Jolie, and Bono. And yet accompanying the call for more foreign aid is …
Acceptability of smartphone text- and voice-based ecological momentary assessment (EMA) methods among low income housing residents in New York CityWilliam C. Goedel, James H. Williams, Brian D. Elbel … Acceptability of smartphone text- and voice-based ecological momentary assessment (EMA) methods among low income housing residents in New York …
Capstone Projects
Strategies to Enhance the Financial Viability of Environmental ProjectsThe National Audubon Society (Audubon) is a nonprofit environmental organization that seeks to conserve and restore natural ecosystems and wildlife for the benefit of humanity and the earth’s biological diversity. Despite growing demand for investable …
Capstone Projects
IMMIGRANTS' ACCESS TO PUBLIC SAFETY IN NEW YORK CITYThe New York City Mayor's Office of Immigrant Affairs (MOIA) promotes the well-being of immigrant communities. Currently, MOIA focuses on enhancing the economic, civic, and social integration of immigrant New Yorkers; facilitating access to justice for …
FELPS Fellows 2018Emily Brennan is a research assistant at MDRC, a nonpartisan social policy and program evaluation firm. Emily is part of the Youth Development, Criminal Justice, and Employment Policy Area and her responsibilities include overall project management and …
Alumni In Action
Bora LeeCan you tell us a bit about your job responsibilities? I'm the Chief of Staff at Fifth Avenue Committee. Our mission is to advance economic, social, and racial justice in New York City through integrated community-centered affordable housing, grassroots …
Economics of children's environmental healthEconomic analyses are increasingly appearing in the children's environmental-health literature. In this review, an illustrative selection of articles that represent cost analyses, cost-effectiveness analyses, and cost-benefit analyses is analyzed for the …
Trust in Charitable OrganizationsPublic confidence in charitable organizations such as the Red Cross and United Way is essential to a high performing nonprofit or charitable sector. Indeed, confidence affects almost everything that matters to the future of the sector, especially the …
Contemporary Echoes of Segregationist Policy: Spatial Marking and the Persistence of InequalityThe Home Owners’ Loan Corporation (HOLC), established in the US during the Great Depression to provide relief to a failing housing market, had a lasting effect through institutionalising the segregationist practice of denying mortgages to communities of …
We Built This: Consequences of New Deal Era Intervention in America’s Racial GeographyThe contemporary practice of homeownership in the United States was born out of government programs adopted during the New Deal. The Home Owners Loan Corporation (HOLC)—and later the Federal Housing Administration and GI Bill—expanded home buying …
Capstone Projects
Uganda Market Entry Strategy and Stakeholder AnalysisEnergy access is a keystone of development, and affordable techniques for rural electricity delivery are in high demand to serve the African continent. STG International (STG), a nonprofit organization dedicated to bringing sustainable energy technologies …
“Waiting for the white man to change things”: Rebuilding Black poverty in New OrleansThis paper revisits William Julius Wilson’s thesis that class has surpassed race in significance of impact on African Americans. Our study uses qualitative data from a three-year ethnographic study of 40 largely low-income families in New Orleans …
NYU Wagner awards first Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion research prize to Professor Jacob FaberJacob William Faber , Assistant Professor of Sociology and Public Service, is the recipient of NYU Wagner's inaugural Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI) research prize. As part of NYU Wagner's schoolwide EDI plan , the award aims to highlight the …
Capstone Projects
A Cost-Benefit Analysis of the Environmental Protection FundThe mission of the Environmental Advocates of New York is to protect the air, land, water and wildlife, and the health of all New Yorkers. Their work includes monitoring the Environmental Protection Fund (EPF), New York State’s primary source of funding …
Capstone Projects
Sustainable Business Forum Market ResearchRainforest Alliance is an environmental nonprofit organization that works to protect ecosystems and the people and wildlife that depend on them by transforming land-use practices, business practices and consumer behavior. Rainforest Alliance is currently …
Capstone Projects
Sustainable Business Forum Market ResearchRainforest Alliance is an environmental nonprofit organization that works to protect ecosystems and the people and wildlife that depend on them by transforming land-use practices, business practices and consumer behavior. Rainforest Alliance is currently …
Acute Effect of Neighborhood-level Exposure to Police Stops on Educational PerformanceJacob William Faber … Acute Effect of Neighborhood-level Exposure to Police Stops on Educational Performance …