High-Speed Rail Projects in the U.S.: Identifying the Elements for Success, Interim Report” Preliminary Review of Cases and Recommendations for Phase 2The goal of this study, funded by the Mineta Transportation Institute is to identify lessons learned for successfully developing and implementing HSR in the United States. There are very few broad statements that can be made of HSGT in the United States. …
Federal Housing Policy and the Rise of Nonprofit ProvidersDuring the past decade, federal housing policy has shifted to recognize a key role for nonprofit housing providers in providing affordable housing. Two federal programs, Low-Income Housing Tax Credit and HOME, are now the primary federal housing …
101 Careers in Healthcare ManagementCareers in health administration continue to grow despite an overall downturn in the economy. This is a field that offers tremendous job opportunities across the spectrum of healthcare delivery and payment organizations. 101 Careers in Healthcare …
Social Hierarchy: The Self-Reinforcing Nature of Power and StatusHierarchy is such a defining and pervasive feature of organizations that its forms and basic functions are often taken for granted in organizational research. In this review, we revisit some basic psychological and sociological elements of hierarchy and …
Facing the Futures: Building Robust Nonprofits in the Pittsburgh RegionThe Pittsburgh region faces tough questions as it faces the futures ahead. Will it, for example, find a way to stop its young people from leaving or slip further into the profile of a “weak market” city, with all that means for the erosion of jobs and …
Racial Segregation in Multiethnic Schools: Adding Immigrants to the AnalysisRacial segregation in America's schools remains persistently and disturbingly high, despite decades of institutional and policy changes. This paper considers one recent change common to many urban school districts - immigration - and examines whether and …
Professor Paul Light Testifies Before Senate Judiciary Committee Professor Paul C. Light of NYU Wagner, a nationally recognized scholar of government reform, offered testimony Aug. 5 before the Senate Judiciary Committee on the U.S. Inspector General Office and the boundaries of its access to the records of government …
Alumni In Action
Ellyn CanfieldHow did your Wagner experience prepare you professionally for what you are doing today? Pretty much every job I've had since Wagner has required me to be fluent in a lot of areas - policy, operations, management. Wagner gave me a strong foundation in …
Seven NYU Wagner Alumni Recognized for Nonprofit Leadership by City&State New YorkNYU Wagner congratulates seven of its graduates who have been recognized by City & State New York for outstanding leadership in the nonprofit sector. These MPA degree holders from Wagner make up a particularly large and impressive presence on the 2021 …
Student Spotlight: Hannah Larson (MPA 2023)What motivated you to attend Wagner, a school of public service? My friend, Manuela, and I had been working had been working as election canvasser first in Phoenix, Arizona for the 2020 General Election followed by Atlanta, Georgia for the 2020 Georgia …
Sustaining multistakeholder alliancesBACKGROUND: Multistakeholder alliances that bring together diverse organizations to work on community-level health issues are playing an increasingly prominent role in the U.S. health care system. Yet, these alliances by their nature are fragile. In …
Former Governor Christine Todd Whitman Speaks to NYU Wagner StudentsOn Monday, November 9, the former EPA administrator and Governor of New Jersey, Christine Todd Whitman, spoke with board members from NYU Wagner’s Alliance for Climate Change and Environment (ACE) student group , along with the Environmental Law Society …
Promoting Transportation Flexibility in Extreme Events through Multi-Modal ConnectivityExtreme events of all kinds are increasing in number, severity, or impacts. Transportation provides a vital support service for people in such circumstances in the short-term for evacuation and providing supplies where evacuation is not undertaken, yet, …
NYU Wagner alumni selected as Excelsior Service FellowsTwo recent graduates of NYU Wagner have been chosen as Excelsior Service Fellows in New York State government. The Excelsior Service Fellowship Program brings alumni of graduates school of public service and law into state government service. Participants …
Driving Change: NYU Wagner Alumni Among Influential Black Leaders in New York's Civic LandscapeThree distinguished NYU Wagner graduates, Farah Louis (MPA-PNP 2018), Tiffany Raspberry (EMPA 2019), Jennifer Jones Austin (MS 1997) and NYU community members Errol Louis, Juanita Scarlett, and Richard Buery Jr. have been honored in the 2024 Power of …
New York Building Congress and NYU Wagner Launch New Fellowship to Expand Research and Advocacy ProgramsThe New York Building Congress and NYU Wagner have partnered to launch a new Fellowship in Urban Policy and Planning. The Fellowship Program places Wagner graduate students into part-time employment with the Building Congress. The program offers graduate …
Primary Care Nurse Practitioner Work Environments and Hospitalizations and ED Use among Chronically Ill Medicare BeneficiariesBackground : Nurse practitioners (NPs) play a critical role in delivering primary care, particularly to chronically ill elderly. Yet, many NPs practice in poor work environments which may affect patient outcomes. Objective : We investigated the …
Reflections from the 2023 Henry Hart Rice Urban Policy Forum: A Dynamic Policy DialogueOn October 18, 2023, NYU Wagner hosted its annual Henry Hart Rice Urban Policy Forum, a hallmark event that brought together a diverse community of students, alumni, and faculty to delve into the pressing challenges that confront New York City. The …
Primary Care Nurse Practitioner Work Environments and Hospitalizations and ED Use among Chronically Ill Medicare BeneficiariesBackground: Nurse practitioners (NPs) play a critical role in delivering primary care, particularly to chronically ill elderly. Yet, many NPs practice in poor work environments which may affect patient outcomes. Objective: We investigated the …
Public Opinion and Constitutional ControversyAmerican politics is most notably characterized by the heated debates on constitutional interpretation at the core of its ever-raging culture wars, and the coverage of these lingering disputes is often inundated with public-opinion polls. Yet for all …
On the folly of principals' power: Managerial psychology as a cause of bad incentivesFaulty and dysfunctional incentive systems have long interested, and frustrated, managers and organizational scholars alike. In this analysis, we pick up where Kerr (1975) left off and advance an explanation for why bad incentive systems are so prevalent …
MANAGEMENT & LEADERSHIP SPECIALIZATIONOverview The specialization in Management and Leadership gives you the practical knowledge and applied skills necessary to effectively lead and manage organizations from nonprofits and public agencies to global institutions and private corporations with a …
NYU Wagner alum bridges divide between vulnerable communities and policePolice-community relations is a much-discussed topic in America, especially in recent years. However, gathering information from communities—especially vulnerable populations—about the various issues and challenges they face can be complicated. “Talking …
Alumni In Action
Joyce ChiaoCan you tell us a bit about your job responsibilities? I currently lead InclusionLabs, which builds communities of professionals who are committed to developing their inclusive leadership skills and seeking a space to learn. Our nine-week program equips …