Is Government Reform Still Possible? A Post-Election AnalysisPaper presented at the Fels School of Government, University of Pennsylvania … Paul Light … Is Government Reform Still Possible? A Post-Election …
Voice is not enough: A multilevel model of how frontline voice can reach implementationIssue When frontline employees’ voice is not heard and their ideas are not implemented, patient care is negatively impacted, and frontline employees are more likely to experience burnout and less likely to engage in subsequent change efforts. Critical …
Student Spotlight: Sai Vichare (MPA 2023)From her leadership roles in Wagner's student organizations to working with the UN Capital Development Fund for her Capstone project, Sai Vichare (MPA 2023) utilized her graduate school experience to develop the critical analysis and managerial skills …
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CapstoneNYU Wagner Capstone Team works with alumna to improve education in Nicaragua coffee fields NYU Wagner alumna Kristin Van Busum founded Project Alianza, which provides educational opportunities for children at risk of child labor in rural coffee …
Rethinking Poverty, Household Finance, and MicrofinanceHigh-frequency data show that the material condition of poverty is created by the interaction of insufficiency × instability × illiquidity. Reducing instability and/or illiquidity can thus reduce exposure to poverty even when average earning power …
Supporting Your StudentsStudent Services Team Wagner's Student Services team assists students with general and urgent advising matters, including but not limited to: a student’s degree requirements, academic progress issues, how a student might waive a course, and how a student …
Government and Not-for-Profit Accounting: Concepts and PracticesGovernment and Not-for-Profit Accounting highlights the dynamic nature and constant evolution of the field and the intellectual challenges it presents. Designed to assist both preparers and potential users of financial reports, this book emphasizes …
Practice NotesShows conference organizers how to invite participants to explore the issues that most matter to them by creating their own agendas for work sessions. View here … Discusses how to facilitate opportunities for valuable peer-to-peer learning while …
Capstone Projects
Enhancing a Results Framework and Developing a Theory of ChangeThe United Nations Department of Political Affairs (UNDPA) plays an integral role in the United Nations’ efforts to prevent and resolve deadly conflict around the world. UNDPA monitors and assesses global political developments to detect potential crises …
Crime and Community DevelopmentCommunity development has traditionally focused on investments in housing, commercial revitalization, and physical improvements. Although all three are clearly critical to communities, the field has largely ignored (or paid too little attention to) one of …
Six NYU Wagner Alumni Named to City & State’s 2024 Power of Diversity: Latino 100 In alignment with Hispanic Heritage Month, City & State released its 2024 Power of Diversity: Latino 100 , recognizing the “most influential Latino leaders in New York politics and government.” Notably, seven NYU Wagner alumni were selected for the …
Health & WellnessYour health and wellness at NYU Wagner is important and pertinent to your student success. NYU offers a range of resources and information to assist you. STUDENT HEALTH CENTER (SHC) The Student Health Center (SHC) at NYU offers a range of medical …
Capstone Projects
ANIMATING THE ANIMATORS: IDENTIFYING CHARACTERISTICS, MOTIVATIONS, AND CHALLENGES FOR HIGH-PERFORMING VOLUNTEERSThe Hunger Project (THP) aims to end hunger and poverty by pioneering and advocating for sustainable, grassroots, and women-centered strategies in developing countries across the globe. There are nearly 400,000 THP volunteers-or “animators”-worldwide, and …
Capstone Projects
IDENTIFYING AND DEVELOPING HOUSING ASSISTANCE STRATEGIESFootsteps is the only organization in North America focused on supporting individuals from ultra-Orthodox Jewish backgrounds attempting to move beyond their insular communities. For Footsteps members who may be struggling to find employment, addressing …
The Space before Action: The Role of Peer Discussion Groups in Frontline Service Provision~Studies of street-level discretion tend to focus on what influences workers’ behaviors and the consequences of their choices for advancing or compromising policy goals, but studies rarely focus on the space before action, that is, the processes through …
Alumni Spotlight: Nilbia Coyote (MPA 2011)Where do you work? Describe your current job. I’m the Executive Director of New Immigrant Community Empowerment (NICE), a non profit community-based organization in Jackson Heights, Queens dedicated to inspiring, organizing, and empowering immigrant …
Capstone Projects
The affordable care act and the cost of uncompensated careFrom 2011 to 2013, the total uncompensated costs of charity care and bad debt for U.S. hospitals amounted to $37.2 billion each year, resulting in a net loss of $24.6 billion dollars each year. The Affordable Care Act (ACA), signed into law in 2010, would …
Capstone Projects
Urban development of Lingang, ShanghaiThe China Center for Urban Development (CCUD) is a public institution of the National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC). Since 1998, CCUD has provided guidance for 711 pilot cities under NDRC’s program to address major issues such as urbanization …
Major Expansion of Primary Care in Brazil Linked to Decline in Unnecessary HospitalizationIn 1994 Brazil launched what has since become the world’s largest community-based primary health care program. Under the Family Health Program, teams consisting of at least one physician, one nurse, a medical assistant, and four to six trained community …
CYC: What Employers Look F.O.R.Is my resume targeted to a field of interest and/or type of work? Do I need various versions of my resume? (e.g. a fundraising resume, a programmatic resume, a housing resume, a youth-based resume) Is my resume geared towards the needs of the employer and …
NYU Wagner-USCM Institute for Mayors Provides Framework for Future Smart City Solutions Using Digital Data and New TechnologiesNYU Wagner has become the hub of a new, one-of-a-kind incubator to help mayors around the country harness changing technologies and make their cities run smarter. Under the guidance of faculty members and urban affairs experts Gordon Campbell and Neil …
Capstone Projects
The Networked Committee: Opening the Field to Find Better Solutions for Technology in EducationNYU’s Future of Technology Enhanced Education Committee (FTEE) is charged with guiding the University’s use of technology to support its academic mission and further its commitment to innovation in teaching, learning, and research. Working with FTEE, …
Acceleration with steering: The synergistic benefits of combining power with perspective-takingPower is a psychological accelerator, propelling people toward their goals; however, these goals are often egocentrically focused. Perspective-taking is a psychological steering wheel that helps people navigate their social worlds; however, …
Capstone Projects
DEVELOPING A FRAMEWORK FOR DATA ANALYSIS ACROSS FLORIDA STATE HOSPITALSGrant Thornton LLP is the American member firm of Grant Thornton International, a global organization of member firms that provides audit, tax, and advisory services. Since its establishment in 2010, Grant Thornton's Health Care Advisory Practice has …