Test Score Gaps in New York State Schools: What do Fourth and Eighth Grade Results Show?This report analyzes performance gaps by race/ethnicity, income and gender in New York State schools using fourth and eighth grade math and English language test results. Their results highlight the legacy of racial segregation where many schools have too …
Alumni In Action
Stefanie Zelkind After working as a Jewish communal professional in Israel and the United States for almost a decade, I was eager to supplement my first-hand experience with academic training. The NYU Dual Degree Program afforded me the opportunity to take a deep dive …
Alumni In Action
Christopher PaquetDescribe your current job. The Office of Emergency Preparedness and Response (OEPR) promotes DOHMH’s and NYC’s ability to prepare for, respond to, and recover from health emergencies through the coordination of agency-wide emergency preparedness planning, …
Title goes hereHow much is it going to cost? This is often one of the most important questions you have when making your decision. Based on the responses below, view a detailed listing of the rates and fees. Student Information Degree Program MPA in Public and Nonprofit …
Economic Development and FinanceAfter the primaries, what immediate actions should the incoming mayor take to bend federal funds for local priorities? As New York moves from relief to recovery, and from managing the Rescue Plan to infrastructure, innovation, and human capital funds, the …
Capstone Projects
EQUIPPING EXECUTIVE DIRECTORS TO LEAD COMMUNICATION-SAVVY ADVOCACY ORGANIZATIONSState-level progressive advocacy organizations are vehicles for driving social change in the US, especially in the context of congressional gridlock. However, many of these organizations struggle to reach key audiences through their communication …
Alumni In Action
Kate ReynoldsHow did you find your first post-Wagner job? I came to Wagner with the goal to work in local government but the experiences and coursework opened my eyes to other opportunities. Through a career services event, I learned about the Presidential Management …
On-Demand WebinarsHear from NYU Wagner students, alumni, faculty, and Admissions and Career Development staff at one of our past events. … Careers in Healthcare: Why Graduate School? NYU Wagner faculty and staff from our Offices of Admissions and Career Services …
Alumni In Action
Cuong NguyenTell us about your current public service work. Can you briefly describe your employment organization and position responsibilities, as well as any relevant volunteer or entrepreneurial activities? I am the Senior Manager of Talent and Administration at …
Capstone Projects
Empowering Nurses with the Capital Equipment Procurement ProcessNew York-Presbyterian Hospital believes a streamlined capital equipment procurement process is very important for improving nursing productivity and satisfaction and for delivering the highest quality patient centered care, and they asked a Capstone team …
Capstone Projects
Development of a Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Compliance PlanThe Center for Urban Community Services (CUCS) provides supportive housing and social services, including job-training and placement, technical assistance, and case management, as well as on-site health assessment, psychiatric services, and substance …
Capstone Projects
Evaluation and Certification of MiddleSkilled Mexican Workers in the USIn 2005 the Mexican Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (IME) worked in conjunction with public and private partners in the United States to develop four pilot programs to evaluate and certify middleskilled migrant workers. The …
Capstone Projects
IMPROVED UTILIZATION OF THE RAISER'S EDGE TO EXPAND FUNDRAISING CAPACITYHebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion (HUC-JIR) is a nonprofit institution of Jewish higher education. HUC-JIR ordains rabbis and cantors in the Reform tradition, confers master's degrees in Jewish education and Jewish nonprofit management, …
NYU Reproductive Health Action Network (NYU Repro)Mission The NYU Reproductive Health Action Network (NYU Repro) at New York University’s Robert F. Wagner Graduate School of Public Service is a student organization dedicated to intersectional reproductive health advocacy, access, and education. NYU …
Alumni In Action
Mwende MuekeGrowing up in Kenya, Mwende Caroline Mueke (MPA ’01) felt a strong pull toward public service. Early in her professional career, she worked for the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) in Eastern Africa. In that job it …
Thank You Alumni 2017Thank you for everything that you have done to help make NYU Wagner a stronger, more vibrant, and impactful community. In 2017, alumni gave back to NYU Wagner in a great number of ways; by joining the host committee for ALUMNite and making a financial …
Leadership in Action at WagnerLeadership in Action at Wagner is a virtual space that brings together a community of practice at NYU Wagner who study, mobilize, and develop effective leadership in public service. By providing public access to academic papers, reports, teaching …
An End to the War on WasteRecommends how the Offices of Inspector General (OIG) can end the war of attribution in which they mop up the fraud, waste and abuse in government offices. OIGs prospering in the eighties; Attacking the enemy at the source; Starting with a modern …
Capstone Projects
IN KENYAThe World Bank’s Kenya Urban Support Program forms and reinforces urban organizations to enhance infrastructure and services in Kenya’s participating counties. The World Bank enlisted the Capstone team to address the urgent challenge of coastal and …
Capstone Projects
DISCLOSURE LEGISLATIONThe Waterfront Alliance is a nonprofit organization championing waterfront sustainability and climate resilience in New York and New Jersey. The nonprofit engaged the Capstone team to quantify the financial benefits of two key pieces of climate resilience …
Capstone Projects
RENEWABLE ENERGY ADVOCACY IN INDONESIAPurpose has constructed climate advocacy plans in many countries by bringing together key organizations and local groups to advocate for more environmentally friendly policies in the fight against pollution and climate change. The organization is laying …
Capstone: Advanced Projects in Urban Planning IIContinuation of CAP-GP.3601. As part of the core curriculum of the NYU Wagner Masters program, Capstone teams spend an academic year addressing challenges and identifying opportunities for a client organization or conducting research on a pressing social …Publication
Commentary on China’s Response to the Coronavirus PandemicAn epidemic is like a fire: its origin and the conditions under which it spreads determine the extent of damage. The initial outbreak and epidemic of Covid-19 began in China in November, 2019, before spreading to the rest of the planet. It seems to us, …
Kovner-Behrman Health Forum Focuses on Coordination of Cancer Care Established by NYU Wagner Professor Anthony Kovner in 1996, the annual Kovner-Behrman Health Forum focused on “Coordination of Cancer Care: The Patient Perspective” on April 20, with a discussion featuring Associate Professor Ingrid M. Nembhard of the …