Capstone Projects
New York City's Civil Service System in 2012: Analysis and RecommendationsThe New York City civil service system was developed to overcome patronage and corruption that threatened the ability of city governance to effectively and efficiently meet the needs of citizens. Over time, conflict has grown about the best way to execute …
Capstone Projects
Impact Evaluation of the Drop the "I" Word CampaignThe Applied Research Center (ARC) is a racial justice think tank dedicated to advancing social justice through research, advocacy, and journalism. The Capstone team was asked to design an impact evaluation system to measure the success of Drop The IWord …
Capstone Projects
Development of a Pediatric Urgent Care CenterThe goal of this Capstone team's project was to assist Maimonides Medical Center in creating a pediatric urgent care center service model. By routing non-acute pediatric patients to a setting more appropriate for treatment of non-emergent problems, …
Capstone Projects
Developing Educational Tools to Increase Breast, Cervical, and Colon Cancer Awareness in the Queens and Harlem CommunitiesOver 13,000 New Yorkers die of cancer annually. In 2004, NYC's Department of Health and Mental Hygiene (DOHMH) launched a citywide health policy initiative called Take Care New York, listing cancer screening as a top 10 agenda item. Specifically, breast, …
Capstone Projects
Designing and Preparing a Comprehensive Volunteer Management SystemThe Innocence Project is a national litigation and public policy organization dedicated to exonerating wrongfully convicted people through DNA testing and reforming the criminal justice system to prevent future injustices. Recently, the organization …
Capstone Projects
Improving Workflow Processes for the Council on AccreditationThe Council on Accreditation (COA) partners with human service organizations worldwide to improve service delivery outcomes by developing, applying, and promoting accreditation standards. Currently at a critical juncture in its expansion, COA regards …
Capstone Projects
Securing Revenue and Managing Financial Operations in an Expanding OrganizationThe Pike County Public Library (PCPL) sought to address the competing challenges of increased usage and insufficient capacity at its main branch and two satellite branches. Unable to meet the needs of the county's 60,000 residents, the PCPL has begun the …
Capstone Projects
Strategic Planning for a New York City Nonprofit OrganizationJewish Community Project Downtown (JCP) is a nonprofit organization dedicated to meeting the needs of Lower Manhattan's diverse Jewish population by encouraging them to connect to others through educational, cultural, social, and artistic programs. Now at …
Capstone Projects
Asphalt Green ExpansionAsphalt Green is a nonprofit organization dedicated to assisting individuals of all ages and backgrounds achieve health through a lifetime of sports and fitness. Asphalt Green's programming has outgrown their 5.5 acre campus and the organization is …
Capstone Projects
Expanding Outreach and Impact at a New York City Nonprofit Organization"Columbia/Barnard Hillel (CBH) strives to create positive and meaningful Jewish experiences for students at Columbia University and Barnard College with the goal of helping them become wellinformed adults who choose to lead lives committed to …
Full Steam Ahead Retreat ReflectionsDesigned for students with one year remaining at NYU Wagner, the "Full Steam Ahead" retreat is a day of reflection, forecasting, and skill building in an inclusive and collaborative environment. Read the comments from the students who took part in this …
GWSLP Alumni Network The GWSLP Alumni Network is comprised of all Ghanaian Women's Social Leadership Program participants, who graduated from the program after completing all the requirements including training, implementation of an Action learning Project and the coaching …
Capstone Projects
A Roadmap to Healthy Relationships and Consent Education in New York StateDay One is a youth-focused nonprofit organization working to end dating abuse and domestic violence in New York State (NYS) through community education, supportive services, legal advocacy, and leadership development. NYS ranks highest in the US for high …
Driving Change: NYU Wagner Alumni Among Influential Black Leaders in New York's Civic LandscapeThree distinguished NYU Wagner graduates, Farah Louis (MPA-PNP 2018), Tiffany Raspberry (EMPA 2019), Jennifer Jones Austin (MS 1997) and NYU community members Errol Louis, Juanita Scarlett, and Richard Buery Jr. have been honored in the 2024 Power of …
Mayor de Blasio Names Dean of NYU Wagner, Sherry Glied, As Special Advisor to Mental Health Policy PanelSherry Glied, Dean of NYU Wagner, has been selected by New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio to serve as Special Advisor to the Community Services Board (CSB), an advisory panel. The 15-person CSB, which consists of leaders from the private, public, and …
Alumni In Action
Charles BurtonPlease describe your current job duties. The Economic Development Administration focuses on both economic development integration and recovery; in my position, I focus on recovery specifically. Any time there’s a disaster-related issue that affects a …
Your Alumni News for January 2019Dear Alumni, Happy 2019, Wagnerds! The start of the new year can be a great time to reflect on the past, as well as an opportunity to set goals and intentions for the future. The final quarter of 2018 featured unique and timely alumni programming from …
Effect of QAP Incentives on the Location of LIHTC PropertiesRecent research has examined the siting patterns of Low Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC) developments, but the reality is that the LIHTC program is not one uniform, national program. Rather, the program is administered by state allocating agencies, each …
Residential Street Parking and Car OwnershipProblem, research strategy, and findings: Local governments’ minimum street-width standards may force developers to oversupply, and residents to pay excessively for, on-street parking in residential neighborhoods. Such oversupply is often presumed to …
From Endeavor to Achievement and Back Again: Government's Greatest Hits in Peril"These 10 articles from leading scholars address federal government activism in such areas as health, education, transportation, and the arts. In some areas, federal involvement has been direct; for example, while school public systems are governed …
The Greatest Grid: The Master Plan of Manhattan, 1811-2011Laying out Manhattan's street grid and providing a rationale for the growth of New York was the city's first great civic enterprise, not to mention a brazenly ambitious project and major milestone in the history of city planning. The grid created the …
Age of Entry and the High School Performance of Immigrant YouthIn 2005, immigrants exceeded 12% of the US population, with the highest concentrations in large metropolitan areas. While considerable research has focused on how immigrants affect local wages and housing prices, less research has asked how immigrants …
The Stafford Act: An Agenda for ReformThe Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act (the Stafford Act) is the principal legislation governing the federal response to disasters within the United States. The act spells out - among other things - how disasters are declared, …
Capstone Projects
ASSESSING ENGAGEMENT IN MIDDLE-INCOME COUNTRIESThe United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) aims to deliver a world where every pregnancy is wanted, every childbirth is safe, and every young person's potential is fulfilled. To accomplish this, UNFPA works to ensure that all individuals, especially women …