
With over 150 courses to choose from, generally held after 5:00pm, you’ll learn the basics of management, policy, and finance, and be able to dig in deeper into the issue areas you’re passionate about..


Topics in Health Policy: Policy, Politics, and Power

(HPAM-GP 2836)

This course is an introduction to major health policy issues and examines the role of government in the health care system. An important focus is an assessment of the role of policy analysis in the formation and implementation of national and local health policy.

Racial Inequality in America: What Do We Do Now?

(PADM-GP 2416)

Students in this course will explore the spatial aspects of inequality, including racial segregation, concentrated poverty, and government structure. Course materials will investigate the consequences of these inequalities for individuals, communities, and American society as a whole, as well as how these seemingly-intractable problems were created by and continue because of public policy decisions.

Data Analysis, Mapping, and Storytelling

(URPL-GP 1620)

The course emphasizes the critical role of design and communication in effective data storytelling. Students will learn how to obtain, clean, manipulate, analyze, map, and visualize spatial and non-spatial data to support their work throughout their careers. 

A majority of courses at Wagner meet in person in the evening, beginning at 5pm. We offer select courses during the day, on Saturdays, and online.

Courses Abroad

While NYU Wagner prepares you to make an impact anywhere in the world, studying abroad in the field can help you strengthen your cross-cultural competencies and further broaden your perspective. Summer study-abroad courses in Asia, Africa, and Europe are intensive.

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Courses Across NYU

NYU is the country's largest research university, and as a Wagner student you can take advantage of its breadth of offerings. Enhance your education by taking pre-approved courses at the Law School; Stern School of Business; Steinhardt School of Culture, Education, and Human Development; School of Professional Studies' Center for Global Affairs; and several other schools.

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