New Report - 'Hidden in Plain Sight' - Examines California's Most Economically Challenged CitiesAlmost 12 million Californians live in an economically challenged city, and a quarter of all challenged cities in the country are in California. A new report written by NYU Wagner’s Neil Kleiman highlights the critical role these cities play in the …
Social Entrepreneurship ProjectFunded by the Skoll and Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundations, this project seeks to uncover the factors that make social entrepreneurship a reality. This research rests on several key assumptions: social entrepreneurs can be organizations as well as …
Choices at a Critical Junction: New York's Mobility and Highway Infrastructure Needs for 2005-2010The report is an analysis of the $17.4 billion capital budget currently proposed for the New York State Department of Transportation for the next five years, and in particular the $5.9 billion proposed for the downstate area. In its review of bridge and …
"Portfolios of the Poor," co-authored by Prof. Jonathan Morduch, Helped Inspire a New App to Address Income Volatility: NY Times Magazine“Want A Steady Income? There’s an App for That,” a piece published Sunday, May 3, in The New York Times Magazine , focuses on a Silicon Valley app-in-development partly inspired by Portfolios of the Poor: How the World’s Poor Live on $2 a Day , the …
Capstone Projects
Developing an Information Portal for NYCs Public and Non-Profit SectorCity Limits Community Information Service, Inc. (City Limits) is a non-profit organization committed to providing independent journalism and investigative research and analysis to those advocating for a more equitable New York City. The Capstone team was …
Capstone Projects
Identifying Practices that Increase Ethnic and Racial Diversity of Senior ManagementThe National Human Services Assembly is an association of national nonprofits working in the fields of health, human and community development, and human services. One of the Assembly's current priorities is to identify practices that increase ethnic …
Capstone Projects
Global Education InitiativeThe Council of Chief State School Officers (CCSSO) provides leadership, advocacy, and technical assistance on major educational issues. CCSSO is launching a new Global Education Initiative to become a global leader in sharing best education policies and …
Capstone Projects
Global Education InitiativeThe Council of Chief State School Officers (CCSSO) provides leadership, advocacy, and technical assistance on major educational issues. CCSSO is launching a new Global Education Initiative to become a global leader in sharing best education policies and …
Capstone Projects
Women and Children in PostConflict Situations: Comparison of Multilateral Development Banks' Responses to The World Bank"Numerous issues affect women and children in postconflict and emergency situations. These include sexual violence and rape, coping with the deaths of family members, domestic violence, and economic hardships, among others. In February 2007, the World …
Women’s History in Chinatown: A Walking TourBy Emely Paulino On Saturday, March 30, 2024, a group of 20 Wagner students met outside of the Mabel Lee Memorial Post Office on Doyers Street in Chinatown, New York, for a special walking tour highlighting women’s history in Chinatown. The tour was …
First-Generation Student Association: Fall Kick-Off PanelBy My Nguyen (MPA 2024) On October 5, 2023, NYU Wagner and the First-Generation Student Association (FGSA) Leadership Board organized the First-Generation Fall Kick-Off Panel , a discussion on the unique experiences of first-generation students. The …
Leading Large Scale Change in Government Large-scale change initiatives are efforts that require the collaboration of multiple agencies; the creation of detailed, shared protocols; the requisite shifts in organizational culture; strong personal commitment and leadership; and frequently the …
What Is ResearchIRB review is not needed for all activities that employ social science methodologies. When you are planning to conduct a survey, or interview people, or otherwise gather or analyze information, this does not necessarily mean that you are conducting …
Faculty Profile
Clayton GilletteClayton Gillette is the Director of NYU’s Marron Institute of Urban Management and the Max E. Greenberg Professor of Contract Law at the NYU School of Law. Gillette teaches in the areas of local government law, commercial law, and contracts. As Director …
Capstone Projects
ANIMATING THE ANIMATORS: IDENTIFYING CHARACTERISTICS, MOTIVATIONS, AND CHALLENGES FOR HIGH-PERFORMING VOLUNTEERSThe Hunger Project (THP) aims to end hunger and poverty by pioneering and advocating for sustainable, grassroots, and women-centered strategies in developing countries across the globe. There are nearly 400,000 THP volunteers-or “animators”-worldwide, and …
School Performance and Resource Use: The Role of Districts in New York CityState accountability systems as well as the system written into the reauthorized Elementary and Secondary Education Act rely on measures of performance to judge how well schools are educating their students. While the role of districts in financing …
Capstone Projects
Anti-Corruption Impact Monitoring in the East Asia and Pacific RegionThe World Bank supports a broad range of activities to reduce corruption in the East Asia and Pacific Region. While it has made significant investments, it has limited information about the extent of their impact on corruption levels in Bank-supported …
Capstone Projects
Anti-Corruption Impact Monitoring in the East Asia and Pacific RegionThe World Bank supports a broad range of activities to reduce corruption in the East Asia and Pacific Region. While it has made significant investments, it has limited information about the extent of their impact on corruption levels in Bank-supported …
Capstone Projects
Improving HIV/AIDS Workplace Policy Development and Implementation at Indian BPO FirmsThe Global Business Coalition is a corporate membership organization helping corporations identify and implement programs within their businesses to address diseases such as HIV/AIDS. Many of these corporations utilize Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) …
About the Capstone Program Do you have a current or upcoming project within your organization that would benefit from the critical thinking and analytical skills of next year’s NYU Wagner graduates? Does your project fall within one of these areas? Advocacy and Political Action …
Editorial by Prof. Victor Rodwin Looks at BRIC Health Systems and Big PharmaAn editorial written by Professor Victor Rodwin for the International Journal of Health Policy and Management explores the increasing reliance by the healthcare systems in Brazil, Russia, India, and China on prescriptions drugs. "The response of the BRIC …
Capstone Projects
Breaking the Barriers: How Do State Policies Impact HIV Testing Rates?In September 2006, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) released their ?Revised Recommendations for HIV Testing of Adults, Adolescents, and Pregnant Women in Health-Care Settings.? These revised recommendations encourage routine HIV …
Faculty Profile
Don WaisanenDon Waisanen is an Adjunct Professor of Public Service of NYU’s Robert F. Wagner Graduate School of Public Service. He is also a Professor in the Baruch College, CUNY Marxe School of Public and International Affairs, where he received the Presidential …
Baltimore: Black and BeyondIn light of the recent events in Baltimore, MD, and around the country, the Wagner Black Student Association (BSA) hosted a forum on May 5 titled "Baltimore, Black and Beyond," to reflect, discuss, and provide direction for students and community members. …