How Integrated Did We Become During the 1990s?How fair are this country's urban housing markets and how effective has the government been at what it is charged to do in ensuring open and diverse housing options for this country's minority groups? Fragile Rights within Cities: Government, Housing, and …
In Memoriam: Professor Hilary BallonIt is with the greatest sorrow and regret that we note the passing, on June 16, of Hilary Ballon, University Professor, Professor of Urban Studies and Architecture, and Deputy Vice Chancellor of NYU Abu Dhabi. Her absence is profoundly felt, and her …
Capstone Projects
Youth and Rites of Passage in Sierra Leone: An Evaluation of UNESCO Foresight’s Local Scoping ExerciseAnticipation and Foresight is an emerging field within UNESCO, contributing to UNESCO’s mission of achieving sustainable development throughout the world in the form of Local Scoping Exercise (LSE) workshops. LSEs are workshops customized to fit local …
Capstone Projects
Developing a Sustainable Volunteer Program Bronx Council on the Arts (BCA) is a nonprofit organization whose mission is to encourage and increase public awareness and participation in the arts, and to nurture the development of artists and cultural organizations. With a goal of raising the …
Alumni In Action
Maria Ponce SevillaWhat were you doing before you came to NYU Wagner? I was working for a nonprofit in Mexico that was supporting Mexican deportees and returnees from the US, many of whom had left Mexico at a young age. We were helping them set up their lives in Mexico, for …
Capstone Projects
DETERMINING THE REAL COST OF HOMELESSNESSThe Supportive Housing Network of New York (SHNNY) promotes supportive housing development by providing policy analysis, advocacy, and assistance to organizations managing supportive housing units across the state. With advocacy being central to SHNNY’s …
Doctoral Student
Poorvi GoelPoorvi Goel is a doctoral student at NYU Wagner, studying public policy and development economics. Her research interests lie at the intersection of poverty, labor markets, and social protection. Her most recent research involved studying the impact of …
Welcome to NYU Wagner!Gain insight into the student experience by talking to someone who has lived it. Sign up to connect with someone via phone or Skype, or to meet in person for coffee. … Learn more about our programs, student life, career options, and what's next for …
Alumni In Action
Shruti PunjabiHow would you describe your experience as an NYU Wagner student? It was exceptional. NYU being located in the heart of New York provided me with not just professional development opportunities but many arenas for personal growth. NYU Wagner is home to a …
The Changing Distribution and Determinants of Obesity in the Neighborhoods of New York City, 2003–2007Obesity (body mass index 30 kg/m2 ) is a growing urban health concern, but few studies have examined whether, how, or why obesity prevalence has changed over time within cities. This study characterized the individual- and neighborhood-level determinants …
North-South Knowledge Sharing on Incentive-based Conditional Cash Transfer ProgramsOver the last decade, Conditional Cash Transfer (CCT) programs have become one of the most widely adopted anti-poverty initiatives in the developing world. Inspired particularly by Mexico's successful program, CCTs are viewed as an effective way to …
The Property Tax, Land Use and Land Use RegulationThis comprehensive volume of essays by respected scholars in economics and public finance explores the connections among the property tax, land use and regulation. The authors examine the idea that the property tax is used as a partial substitute for land …
NYU Wagner-USCM Institute for Mayors Provides Framework for Future Smart City Solutions Using Digital Data and New TechnologiesNYU Wagner has become the hub of a new, one-of-a-kind incubator to help mayors around the country harness changing technologies and make their cities run smarter. Under the guidance of faculty members and urban affairs experts Gordon Campbell and Neil …
Health Services Management Specialization Our mission is to prepare individuals for leadership roles in healthcare organizations. Our graduates apply their knowledge and skills to make evidence-based decisions that create high-quality, cost-effective healthcare organizations, and that promote …
Capstone Projects
The Impact of the Centro Educativo Ixtlyollotl on the State of Puebla, MexicoThe Capstone team measured the impact of the Centro Educativo Ixtlyollotl (CEI) on the indigenous communities of Puebla. CEI is a non-governmental organization dedicated to developing the indigenous communities of Puebla, through formal and informal …
Capstone Projects
The Impact of the Centro Educativo Ixtlyollotl on the State of Puebla, MexicoThe Capstone team measured the impact of the Centro Educativo Ixtlyollotl (CEI) on the indigenous communities of Puebla. CEI is a non-governmental organization dedicated to developing the indigenous communities of Puebla, through formal and informal …
Capstone Projects
SYSTEMS-LEVEL SOLUTIONS FOR PARTNERSHIP WITH ALUMNI OF COLORThe Calhoun School is a private K-12 school on NYC’s Upper West Side, and its Alumni of Color Network (ACN) is an affinity group with the goals of providing a welcoming space for alumni and addressing DEI discrepancies in the school. The client engaged a …
Alumni In Action
María Paz HermosillaHow would you describe your experience as an NYU Wagner student? My experience in NYU Wagner Tech (I was the chair in my second year) was key to exposing me to many topics I am working on now, such as fairness, privacy and transparency in the use of …
The Link Between Manufacturing Growth and Accelerated Services Growth in IndiaThe impact of trade liberalization on manufacturing growth has been widely studied in the literature. What has gone unappreciated is that accelerated manufacturing growth has also been accompanied by accelerated services growth. Using firm-level data from …
Modern RomanceAt some point, every one of us embarks on a journey to find love. We meet people, date, get into and out of relationships, all with the hope of finding someone with whom we share a deep connection. This seems standard now, but it’s wildly different from …
Capstone Projects
Implementing an international standard financial accounting systemSembrandopaz is a Colombian nonprofit dedicated to facilitating a culture of peace among grassroots organizations, with the goal of supporting integral and sustainable human development processes in the Caribbean region of Colombia. Sembrandopaz requested …
Converging Evidence for Neighborhood Effects on Children’s Test Scores: An Experimental, Quasi-Experimental, and Observational ComparisonRising income inequality has been found to be associated with rising segregation at the neighborhood level, generating concern about whether neighborhood environments themselves may influence children’s life chances, independent of other individual child …
Response, Restoration and Recovery: September 11 and New York City's Digital NetworksThis chapter examines the role of digital communications networks during and after the September 11, 2001, attack on the World Trade Center. Digital networks in New York City played a vital role in all three phases of this catastrophe: initial response, …
Capstone Projects
DEVELOPING AN INTRAPRENEURSHIP CAPACITY-BUILDING PROGRAMThe New York City Department of Citywide Administrative Services (DCAS) is a city agency that provides shared services to support the operations of NYC’s government. Although the agency has over 2,000 employees spanning 13 units and various internal and …