Child labor, crop shocks, and credit constraintsThis paper examines the relationship between household income shocks and child labor. In particular, we investigate the extent to which transitory income shocks lead to increases in child labor and whether household access to credit mitigates the effects …
Determinants of School Performance in New York Elementary Schools: Results and Implications for Resource UseThis study seeks to identify and better understand factors that determine differences in performance/efficiency between various schools. It also examines through statistical analysis strengths and weaknesses of the production-function based approach to …
Capstone Projects
Bridging the Racial Wealth Gap Through Impact InvestingBlack families and communities in New York City have been left behind due to systemic racism and exploitative economic policies that have created a vast and persistent racial wealth gap. Hiring and wage discrimination, segregation, redlining, and myriad …
Capstone Projects
Diversifying Revenue Streams in the Arts Impact SpaceSing for Hope is a nonprofit organization dedicated to harnessing the performing arts to transform lives. Each year, the Pianos Festival acts as a throughline for their programming in public spaces, schools, and hospitals, placing artist-designed pianos …
Capstone Projects
Developing an Infrastructure Scorecard for NYCThe New York Building Foundation provides grants to support professional development and education in the design, construction, and real estate industries in New York City. Although national and state infrastructure needs are well documented, …
Capstone Projects
Feasibility of a Mixed-income, Fee-based Model for Older Adult Service DeliveryGoddard Riverside Community Center (Goddard) is a nonprofit multi-service agency whose mission is to support people by meeting their needs and aspirations through education, social services, community gathering, civic engagement, and advocacy. Goddard’s …
Faculty Profile
Sunita DesaiSunita Desai is a health economist. Her research investigates how policies and incentives shape health care provider behavior and organizational structure. She also examines the role of information and price transparency in consumer decision-making in …
Study: Market Concentration Has Differing Impact On Affordable Care Act Marketplace PremiumsA new study published by the journal Health Affairs and coauthored by NYU Wagner dean Sherry Glied looks at the growth in health insurance premiums from 2014 to 2015 in two state-based Affordable Care Act Marketplaces: NY State of Health, and Covered …
Capstone Projects
Measuring Job Quality in Small BusinessesOpportunity Fund is the nation’s leading nonprofit small business lender, providing microloans to entrepreneurs whose small businesses have not been able to access financial resources from traditional lenders. While Opportunity Fund has successfully …
Alumni In Action
Alicia LuiHow would you describe your experience as an NYU Wagner student? I enjoyed my cohort and felt we formed a close bond. I appreciated that we were diverse in background and perspectives and could come together to learn from and support each other. Can you …
The Hidden Cost of TrustworthinessThad Calabrese and George Mitchell … The Hidden Cost of Trustworthiness …
Bridging the Individual and Collective Dimensions of LeadershipCo-Lead Net organizes their second Collective Leadership Research Workshop at NYU Wagner On April 23, NYU Wagner professors Sonia Ospina and Erica Foldy launched the second Collective Leadership Research Workshop , a three-day workshop titled Logics in …
Faculty Profile
Wayne Suiter MatamorosWayne is a strategic design leader with over a decade and a half of experience in applying design methods to complex challenges in both the public and private sector around the globe. More recently, Wayne served as the Chief Strategy Officer for …
Peer AdvisorsPeer Advisors Peer Advisors are continuing NYU Wagner students who volunteer their time to welcome new students to the community and serve as resources for the incoming class. In the months leading up to the new semester, Peer Advisors reach out to their …
Healthcare Research and Organization TheoryReay, T., Goodrick, E., & D'Aunno, T. … Healthcare Research and Organization Theory …
First-gen MPA student brings passion for positive change back to her roots“It’s so important to develop a civic identity and feel a sense of responsibility for your neighbor, and to this world,” says Tracy Jo Ingram (MPA Candidate 2019). A native of Louisville, Tracy has embodied this motto through her early career and into her …
Alumni In Action
Karen R. BrownWhy did you choose NYU Wagner for graduate school? I wanted to attend a MPA program that had a strong domestic focus. I also wanted to go to graduate school in the greatest city in the world. I was impressed with the faculty I met at a Wagner open house, …
Capstone Projects
Reimagining Parking for Future Economic DevelopmentThe Detroit Economic Growth Corporation (DEGC) is Detroit’s leading economic development organization. Through public and private sector collaborations, DEGC designs and implements innovative solutions that create jobs and advance the city’s economy. DEGC …
Capstone Projects
Teaching Responsible Entrepreneurship for StartupsThe NYU Entrepreneurial Institute (eLab) helps launch startups by leading university-wide initiatives and commercializing technology created by NYU’s 60,000 students, faculty, and researchers. In its efforts to expand and enhance its curriculum, the eLab …
Capstone Projects
Defining Core Values and Organizational CultureViolence Intervention Program (VIP) is a community-based nonprofit organization that helps to lead and empower Latinx survivors of domestic violence to safety by providing culturally-competent services, raising community awareness, and engaging in …
CourseworkAll doctoral students are required to complete the following: PHD-GP 5902, Research Methods (first fall semester) PADM-GP.2172 Advanced Empirical Methods (first fall semester) PHD-GP 5905, NYU Wagner Qualitative Research Methods (first spring semester) …
Task Force Co-Chaired by NYU Wagner Student Issues New Report on Atlanta City JailBill McGahan, a student in the Executive MPA program at NYU Wagner, co-chairs an Atlanta task force that has produced a major report , "Reimagining the Atlanta Detention Center," moving the city toward community-centered approaches to crime …
Faculty Profile
Tomas SotoDr. Soto holds a PhD in Clinical/Community Psychology from DePaul University and an MPH in Public Health from the John Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health. He currently is an Independent Consultant. As a consultant, he served as lead evaluator for …
Capstone Projects
Measuring the Impact of Streetscape Changes on Bus ServiceMTA New York City Transit (NYCT) is a public agency in New York State that operates public transportation in New York City. The NYCT Department of Buses manages an extensive bus network serving the five boroughs. A unique challenge facing NYCT is that …