City Contracting and Social ServicesHow can New York City improve contracting for nonprofit organizations to improve service delivery and outcomes? The City has made meaningful reforms to improve nonprofit contracting over the past eight years. Yet, a range of policy problems exist with the …
Your Alumni News for July 2017Dear Alumni, I hope this finds you well. In May, we celebrated and welcomed 372 new graduates to the alumni community at the Brooklyn Academy of Music. Delivering the convocation address, Patrick Gaspard, Vice President of the Open Society Foundations …
Community Development & InstitutionsHow can anchor institutions support New York City in its post-pandemic economic recovery? While the size of the New York City government is formidable, as we emerge from this crisis, the mayor must recognize that the enormity of the challenge cannot and …
Housing for an Aging PopulationWe use the American Housing Survey to examine the distribution and occupancy of homes that have, or could be modified to have, accessibility features that allow seniors to successfully remain in the community as they age. Despite the aging population and …
Citi Bike: The First Two YearsNew York City launched Citi Bike, the largest bike share program in the United States, in May 2013. This study examines the first two years of Citi Bike and its role in New York City mobility. Citi Bike’s station connection to public transportation hubs …
MicroeconomicsThe primary purpose of the microeconomics core course is to enable you to use microeconomic thinking, concepts and tools in your professional public service work. Accomplishing this also requires refreshing and strengthening your quantitative skills. The …Course
Introduction to Social ImpactIn an interconnected and rapidly evolving world, the concept of social impact has become central to addressing the most pressing challenges of our time. This course introduces students to the fundamentals of creating and evaluating social change through …Course
Gender & Sexuality in U.S. Policy FormationThis graduate level course will provide an in-depth analysis of gender and sexuality policy in the United States. We will focus on the role that criminalization plays in this area, examining topics such abortion and regulation of intimate partner …Course
Composing Your CareerThroughout this four-session workshop, students will use their experiences and education as the context for a series of career-related analyses based on the following four lenses: Issue, System, Organization, and Role. All discussions will be brought back …Course
Professional WritingThis short, non-credit class aims to give students an overview of the key elements of successful writing, and equip them with the tools to approach any writing assignment, from memos to emails to reports to research briefs. This class is designed to be a …Course
Impact InvestingThis course provides an introduction to the impact investing landscape and its evolution, players, and tools. After situating impact investing vis à vis both other forms of investing and other social change tools, we explore what makes an investment …Course
Capstone: Advanced Projects in Urban Planning ICouples with CAP-GP.3602. As part of the core curriculum of the NYU Wagner Masters program, Capstone teams spend an academic year addressing challenges and identifying opportunities for a client organization or conducting research on a pressing social …Course
Applied Policy AnalysisOpen only to students in the MSPP program. This course will provide students with an opportunity to engage in policy analysis in situations that mimic the real world practice of the craft of policy analysis. In practice, policy analysis requires drawing …Course
Capstone: Advanced Research Projects in Quantitative Analysis I Couples with CAP-GP.3149 . As part of the core curriculum of the NYU Wagner Masters program, Capstone teams spend an academic year conducting research on a pressing social question. Wagner's Capstone program provides students with a centerpiece of their …News
Urban Planning Student Nonie Mathur a Finalist in Global Urbanization ChallengeThe Graduate Institute Geneva has chosen NYU Wagner's Nonie Mathur (MUP, 2017) and her team as a finalist in the Geneva Challenge 2016. The team will be flown to Switzerland in November to present and defend their submission in the culminating round of …
Downtown Brooklyn Setting Pace for Innovative Urban Development, Report FindsThe Downtown Brooklyn Partnership, NYU Wagner's Rudin Center, and Appleseed Inc. unveiled a new report on Feb 23 at the Wagner school, explaining how Downtown Brooklyn became a major destination for innovative urban development, and offering ways to keep …
Kovner-Behrman Health Forum Explores Paths to Improved Decision-Making in HealthcareNYU Wagner's Sherry Glied, Dean and Professor of Public Service, convened the 20th annual Kovner-Behrman Health Forum before a capacity audience in the school's home in the historic Puck Building on March 23. Entitled "Check Your Intuitions," the event …
NYU Wagner Team a Winner in National Invitational Public Policy ChallengeNYU Wagner has done it again! A team of Wagner students has won a $5,000 award as a finalist at the 2015 National Invitational Public Policy Challenge hosted by the University of Pennsylvania’s Fels Institute of Government—extending Wagner's record of …
Qualitative Research MethodsThis course offers a hands-on opportunity for doctoral and advanced masters students to experience the practice of qualitative research. We will address the nature of qualitative research in the administrative and policy sciences, with ample opportunities …Course
Human Resources: Leading Talent DevelopmentThis course is designed for public and nonprofit leaders and managers rather than human resource professionals, and provides a broad overview of human resources and talent leadership. Regardless of the role you’ll play in the public/nonprofit sector, your …Course
Health Economics: PrinciplesThis course provides the core microeconomic theories and concepts needed to understand health and health care issues in both the developed and developing world. It describes how the markets for health and health services are different from other goods, …Course
Public-Private Partnerships, Public Spaces, Politics, & the PressThis course examines the special mix of tools, tactics, theories and trends that shape and transform cities. It will be grounded in case studies that look at both successful and unsuccessful urban revitalization strategies in places ranging from Times …Course
Statistical MethodsThis course introduces students to basic statistical methods and their application to management, policy, and financial decision-making. The course covers the essential elements of descriptive statistics, univariate and bivariate statistical inference, …Course
Government BudgetingAn understanding of government budgeting is critical to understanding the policy process and the workings of government. This course covers the theory and practice of government budgeting at both the national and subnational levels. It reviews how …