Doctoral Research Colloquium IIThe Doctoral Research Colloquium incorporates the NYU Wagner Seminar series at which prominent researchers present current work on pressing social issues. The speakers represent a range of disciplines and methodological approaches, and are affiliated with …Course
Capstone: Advanced Projects in Urban Planning IIContinuation of CAP-GP.3601. As part of the core curriculum of the NYU Wagner Masters program, Capstone teams spend an academic year addressing challenges and identifying opportunities for a client organization or conducting research on a pressing social …Course
Capstone: Advanced Projects in International Development Policy and Management IIContinuation of CAP-GP.3226 . As part of the core curriculum of the NYU Wagner Masters program, Capstone teams spend an academic year addressing challenges and identifying opportunities for a client organization or conducting research on a pressing social …Course
Capstone: Advanced Projects in Health Finance, Management, and Policy IIContinuation of CAP-GP 3801. For MPA-Health students. As part of the core curriculum of the NYU Wagner Masters program, Capstone teams spend an academic year addressing challenges and identifying opportunities for a client organization or conducting …Course
Capstone: Advanced Research Projects in Quantitative Analysis IIContinuation CAP-GP.3148 . As part of the core curriculum of the NYU Wagner Masters program, Capstone teams spend an academic year conducting research on a pressing social question. Wagner's Capstone program provides students with a centerpiece of their …Publication
Assessing and Managing Risks of ExtremesBier, V.M., Haimes, Y.Y., Lambert, J.H., Matalas, N.C. & Zimmerman, R. … Assessing and Managing Risks of Extremes …
Measuring and Monitoring Children’s Well BeingBen-Arieh, A., Kaufman, N.H., Andrews, A.B., George, R.M., Lee, B.J. & Aber, J.L. … Measuring and Monitoring Children’s Well Being …
Opening Doors and Building Capacity: Employing a Community-Based Approach to SurveyingAlthough many community-based initiatives employ community residents to undertake door-to-door surveys as a form of community mobilization or for purposes of needs assessment or evaluation, very little has been published on the strengths and weaknesses of …
Topics in Urban Studies: Infrastructure in Action-Exploring NYC's Libraries, Streets, & ParksThis course will explore the public realm in New York City -- with a focus on libraries, parks and streets. It will consider how these components of our infrastructure were first built and how we maintain, manage and, in particular, share these spaces …Course
Geographic Information SystemsUnderstanding geographic relationships between people, land use, and resources is fundamental to planning. Urban planners routinely use spatial analysis to inform decision-making. This course will introduce students to Geographic Information Systems …Course
Advanced Data Analytics and Evidence BuildingThe goal of this course is to develop the key data analytics skill sets necessary to inform evidence-based policy. Its design offers hands-on training in how to make sense of and use large scale real world heterogeneous datasets in the context of …Course
Introduction to Database Design, Management, and SecurityThe goal of this course is to train advanced students on the principles, practices, and technologies required for good database design, management, and security. An introduction to the concepts and issues relating to data warehousing, governance, …Course
Introduction to Data Analytics for Public Policy, Administration, and ManagementThe goal of this course is to establish a first-principles understanding of the qualitative and quantitative techniques, tools, and processes used to wield data for effective decision-making. Its approach focuses on pragmatic, interactive learning using …Course
Using Large Data Sets in Policy ResearchThis half-semester course will focus on the analysis of data. We will discuss cleaning raw data – including trimming, variable transformations, and dealing with missing data – before turning to complex survey data. We will discuss how regression analysis …Course
Designing Data Collection for Program Evaluation, Policy, and ManagementResearch is an important part of the policy process: it can inform the development of programs and policies so they are responsive to community needs, it can help us determine what the impacts of these programs and policies are, and it can help us better …Course
Communication Skills for Public ServiceThe goal of the course is to help students get the most out of every form of communication: to change minds with the written word, win allies in person, to sway audiences in presentations, and to get what they want out of the various forms of …Course
US Reproductive Rights AdvocacyThis course examines reproductive rights law and policy in the United States and how advocacy can impact it. Reproductive rights encompass the ability of individuals to make and exercise informed, independent decisions about their own body, sexuality, and …Course
Elections in ActionElections In Action is for those that are interested in learning how a campaign works from start to finish. Whether one is working a local to national campaign the structure is still the same. This seven-session course will provide an overview and …Course
The Intersection of Finance and Social JusticeCapital is but a tool – one that can be used for many different purposes. This course explores the use of finance as a tool for social change. The sessions provide an overview of different approaches to the question of aligning investments and values and …Course
Leading Values-Based Culture in Nonprofit Organizations (EMPA)Culture -- the system of shared assumptions, values, meanings, and beliefs, which informs the behavior of individuals -- is perhaps the most salient variable mechanism that influences organizational performance (Schein, 2017). Successful leadership of …Course
Data Visualization and StorytellingIn our increasingly data-reliant and data-saturated society, people who understand how to leverage data to generate insights have the power to change the world. Data visualization and storytelling is a crucial skill for policy and data analysts, …Course
Housing Policy IIThis second course in the Housing and Community Development sequence expands upon the foundational understanding of housing and community development policy by focusing on how key policy drivers, the current political and social moment, and core …Webpage
Alumni Affinity Groups Attend lectures, discussions, happy hours, and other NYU Wagner community events focused on fundraising and development throughout the year. Learn more … Connect with fellow city government colleagues, attend social and educational events throughout the …
Comparative Analysis of Health SystemsWhat would the best healthcare system look like? How would you know it is the best? What systems in wealthy nations today come close to matching this ideal? We begin this class with short documentary films that cover some of issues raised by these …