Finance and AdministrationThe Office of Finance and Administration (OFA) provides staff, faculty, and other employees at NYU Wagner with the knowledge and resources they need to successfully achieve the mission and goals of their unit, of the School, and of the University. …
Capstone Projects
VA NY Harbor Healthcare SystemThe Resident participated in many clinical and administrative initiatives within the executive office and throughout the medical center. The performance improvement projects included: recommending techniques to reduce the patient-missed appointment rates …
Capstone Projects
Development of an Electronic Food Stamp Application System in New York City"Currently, the application for food stamps in New York City is a paperdriven process, whereas many other jurisdictions have made at least part of their processes electronic. The team has performed an assessment of and will make recommendations on how …
Capstone Projects
Operational Assessment"The Robert Wood Johnson Medical School's Child Health Institute of New Jersey (CHINJ) opened in 2005 as a pediatric subspecialty ambulatory practice. Despite steady increases in patient demand, and a favorable payor mix, many ambulatory practice …
Capstone Projects
Designing a Job Training and Career Readiness Program for Footsteps ParticipantsFootsteps provides educational, vocational, social, and emotional support to men and women seeking to explore the world beyond the insular ultra-orthodox communities in which they were raised. Although Footsteps offers informal job readiness support, many …
Capstone Projects
New York City and State Tax/Revenue RelationshipCitizens Union Foundation is a nonpartisan organization for good government which ensures New York local and state governments operate in a fair, open, and fiscally sound manner while informing and engaging its citizens. Citizens Union Foundation …
Capstone Projects
Girls Can: Empowering the Next Generation of Girls in Career and Technical EducationGender segregation and the under enrollment of girls in career and technical education programs are pervasive problems in New York City and across the country. Although robust federal, state, and local legislation exists to protect women and girls from …
Community, Events & ResourcesThe doctoral program offers numerous opportunities, both social and professional, to meet fellow doctoral students and NYU Wagner faculty. NYU Wagner Research Colloquium The Wagner Research Colloquium is a seminar series at which prominent researchers …
Rudin Center receives grant to look at how to improve NYC's paratransit service for the elderly and disabledTransitCenter, a foundation dedicated to improving urban mobility, has awarded a grant to NYU Wagner's Rudin Center for Transportation Policy & Management and its director, Professor Mitchell Moss, to come up with ways to improve the New York City …
Executive Master of Public AdministrationEMPA students learn to lead organizations and address public service challenges at the highest level in the nonprofit, public, and private sectors. Explore Public Service Leaders … EMPA students interested in international development policy and …
MUP - International Planning - ChecksheetMUP: INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT PLANNING I. DEGREE CORE REQUIREMENTS [18 CREDITS] Students must complete or waive the following courses: … II. SPECIALIZATION REQUIREMENTS [9 credits] Students must complete the following courses: … III. CAPSTONE [3 …
Housing & TransportationOFF-CAMPUS HOUSING Many NYU Wagner students choose to live off-campus. Below are resources and information to help in choosing where to live and how to find off-campus housing. NYU's Off-Campus Housing Office (OCHO) Temporary Housing International House …
Dean's Diversity StatementIn this current climate of uncertainty and concern, I have never been more proud of NYU Wagner’s welcoming and embracing community. To those of you considering studying at NYU Wagner, I want to remind you of our deep commitment to diversity, equity, and …
Public Sector Succession: A Strategic Approach to Sustaining InnovationThis article explores public-sector succession in the U.S. Most literature on succession and succession planning begin with a familiar lament: executive-level transition merits more attention than it gets in the literature. It is a serious matter that …
Landing Page
CoursesWith over 150 courses to choose from, generally held after 5:00pm, you’ll learn the basics of management, policy, and finance, and be able to dig in deeper into the issue areas you’re passionate about.. … A majority of courses at Wagner meet in person in …
In Memoriam: Professor Hilary BallonIt is with the greatest sorrow and regret that we note the passing, on June 16, of Hilary Ballon, University Professor, Professor of Urban Studies and Architecture, and Deputy Vice Chancellor of NYU Abu Dhabi. Her absence is profoundly felt, and her …
Capstone Projects
CMC St. Vincent's Medical CenterWorking directly with the Vice President of Operations, the resident was able to develop and tailor a program that would suit her needs and interests. Subsequently, the resident worked on projects throughout the hospital that exposed her to all aspects of …
White House Policy Adviser Gives Keynote at NYU Wagner's 2014 ConvocationNew York City Center has been a landmark for great music, theater, and dance for more than 70 years. But this year, on May 22, the stage was set for a different display of pride, satisfaction, and joy: NYU Wagner’s 2014 Convocation ceremony. Hundreds of …
The Coming of Age of School-Level Finance DataDiscusses implications for school finance data collection and analysis of shifting to schools as key management and policy units. Discusses questions that school-level data can answer concerning resource utilization efficiency, effectiveness, intent, and …
Crime and Community DevelopmentCommunity development has traditionally focused on investments in housing, commercial revitalization, and physical improvements. Although all three are clearly critical to communities, the field has largely ignored (or paid too little attention to) one of …
Capstone Projects
Improving the Discharge Process for Short Stay Surgical Urology PatientsThe Baker 15 unit at New York Presbyterian (NYP) is a short-stay surgical unit with an expected length of stay of less than 48 hours. The Capstone team focused on the surgical urological patients who make up more than 65 percent of the discharges. The …
A Canary in the Mortgage Market? Why the recent FHA and GSE loan limit reductions deserve attentionOn October 1, 2011, the maximum loan size eligible for Federal Housing Administration (FHA) insurance or a guarantee from Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac (known as "Government-Sponsored Enterprises" or "GSEs") dropped in dozens of metropolitan areas around the …
Capstone Projects
Inputs to Development: How the Millennium Development Goals Affect Nonprofit ResourcesA set of eight global priorities to eradicate extreme poverty, the United Nations Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) were met with great optimism in 2000. While many studies have examined developmental progress in the intervening 15 years, how much of …
In Knickman and Kovner (eds.) 2015. Health Care Delivery in the United States,Windows can sometimes be mirrors. A look at health systems abroad can enable us to develop a better understanding of our health system in the United States. An international perspective suggests that the United States has the most expensive health care …